Annoying Office Jargon - Part III

It’s literally what it says on the tin

Can there be more that two people?
Should I wear a tie?

Not too many ties being worn these days

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Sportsjacket, chinos and open neck shirt should be fine

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Absolutely. Something like this perhaps…

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id imagine that as were talking locke is drafting a firm but polite email to the rosti eater

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What if there’s nuns in the room?

Don’t be his escaped goat.

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Will shove is face in the hot cheese fondue bowl!

Office Space should be regular watching. The joy on yer man’s face at the end as he is pulling and dragging on a building site. “Fuckin A”.


Inflection point


We’ll need to diary that🙄



‘Slippage’ is still one of my favourites. It’s not used half enough.

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I’m using “key takeaway” way too much. No, I don’t work in fast food, but I am becoming a cunt.


“becoming” :joy:


Helix management

Im off to the Helix in about half an hour. Would you like me to pass on a message?

We will have a “quick huddle” on Monday.