Just recieved a text informing me that Arcade fire have announced a second date in Dublin on the 23rd October. If I don’t get tickets from ticketmaster this time I will just hang around outside before the gig and mug some punters for their tickets
I’ll bend down and you push the punter over my back, the punter will fall over me and then over a cliff, and you catch the tickets just before they blow down to the sea.
This time tomorrow I hope to be sitting pretty with my tickets to this. Also in the interest of fairness, any credit cards used to purchase tickets for the other date should not be allowed to buy any. Me and benshermin deserve them more than anbody.
“I went out into the night I went out to pick a fight with anyone”
Hope ya don’t wake up with the “power out” tommorrow Flano, cause you wont be able to log on to ticketmaster!
No one need worry about the muggers. Safe as houses. Tickets in the bag. I’ll fooking show that ticketshite website.
Get In!