Are you all set for The winter gifting day

All set. Excellent use of “the” in the title.
Wrapped herselfs presents this afternoon. Four dresses and a jacket. Touch and go this one. Too big and she’ll say I think she’s fat, too small and she’ll say I’m suggesting she needs to lose weight.


Did you pick them yourself?

Sadly yes. A lot of black leather though


All set.
Ham is done, heading for dinner shortly then mass. Home afterwards to attack the ham and get ready for Santa.

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All set again now.

Have to go out to the shed later to wrap the missus presents but that’s not factored into being ‘set for the Christmas’ as she is liable to receive them wrapped or not wrapped as that’s the way we roll.

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I’d love a woman like that, she sounds a total pleasure.

All set

Just got one there

Is everyone all set now


Set. Picked up a dinner voucher in Vaughans* for the oul pair there, I’m well covered now.

*Sunday World Pub Spy #1 ranked pub. :clap:

Signing in.

Kids in bed trying to sleep. Fire lighting. Glass of wine.

Waiting to climb into the attic later so it is “on your marks” for now.


Marks here also. The little fella set us back about half an hour by vomiting everywhere. Mrs j is putting the little lady down. The bike from santa is in the car but I don’t want to nick out for it for a little while ar eagla na heagla. Hopefully it’s handy to put together.


Our gang won’t be asleep by 12. Opening the Chivas now.

Nearly killed myself taking a bike out of the attic there a few minutes ago but that aside… I’m all set.


Finished the bike only about 10.30. But wining up nicely now.

All set, had a set of pints earlier and going to hit the hay now for an early start. The teenagers are out in the pub … Getting old

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All done. Hectic 2 days getting all sorted. Cant wait for the morning with the kids and drink on yup. Think ill have a whiskey now to calm me down after seeing that degenerate ratbags Harrys posts


Kris Kringle in our house. Makes for a far less stressful buildup to Christmas. Better to get one good present than four shit ones.