[Article]Statement from Farmerinthecity


Since last Friday I have been inundated with requests from the media to give exclusive interviews surrounding the events which lead up to the public slanging match between myself and Bandage in Eddie Rockets last Friday night. This is the only statement I will make on the matter.[br][br]. … .

Thanks for clarifiying Farmer. That olive branch might just be the rebirth of this team.

what a come down - sickening the way you dont stand up to people farmer

I’m slightly sickened by that article aswell to be honest. :-[

Actually, slighlty isn’t the appropiate word. Totally is more suitable.

I am the perfect man

Vigorously stand up for myself when I am right
Admit when I am wrong

The latter is such an occassion

If there were more people like me then the world would be a better place

Ahem, im waiting for an apology for the perfect man comment. ;D I think this is one of those “Admit when I am wrong” occasions. ;D

I welcome farmer’s comments and I will respond in the near future.

Hope he didn’t hurt his back climbing down from wherever he was though.