Ating a dog

It’s own chops?

And hey Presco problem solved

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Supposedly that means your are giving it dog food that’s too rich. Cheaper dog food

You pick it up before they ate it.

I wouldn’t think so.
She’s just very very hungry all the time. She will literally eat anything.

Not always possible. Especially when she’s out the back on her own.
I thought she was over it but I caught her red-pawed at it again today.
It puts the wife off her…

Im afraid thats because of stress or boredom. Its not down to nutrition or feed. Thats behavioural


She’s been at it since day one.
So not sure how we can fix this.

Break the habit. Make sure the dog is supervised and engaged for a few days, give them an alternative. Fill one of those kong toys with peanut butter if theyve to be alone. Its stimulation they need.

Try giving smaller feeds more regularly and pop out to the dog every so often.

If you really want to fix it, get a second dog. They really shouldn’t be alone

That’s a fantastic story, the last line in that paragraph was well delivered, like Prescos demise.


One of these?

I don’t know of them. What’s their use and function exactly.

You stick a bit of food, high value food in to it and stupid cunt will be entertained for an hour or two and wont eat her own shit


Situation well assessed and very good advice

If you dont want to splash out on the kong fill an old sock with kibble and tie it… only problem is you may find socks going missing in the future

Introducing Henio


This is beautiful, my daughter showed me it a while ago

It’s doggie related

Spoiled rotten


You silly bollox

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Dogs. If work was in the bed she’d sleep on the floor…


How has this worked out?

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