Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

But it’s too late then as well, more likely they will want to live where they grew up.

We probably worry too much about it, they will do what they want anyway and the world is increasingly global for those that have transferable skills.

ah FFS
here we go again
wasnt there meant to be a “catastophe” a couple of weeks ago?

There is always a “catastrophe” in Australia. Between bush fires and the place being hotter than hell and in top of that they have all sorts of insects and animals that can kill ya. Why would ya live there?

Mickee we’re back to explaining this again.
This is the same catatrophe, it continues and will so for some time. Probably well into February.

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The sky here at 5pm today



The alco spent two hours writing out posts here and one link destroyed him in five seconds

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This always gets inserted as a cheery little addendum to discussion on nuclear power plants. Fission is grand but fusion, when it happens in fifty years time, will be unrale.

They just need to get on with fusion now.

It’s ok, Australia is saved. The Prime Minister has returned from his holidays

The joke about nuclear fusion is that it’s always 50 years away

Another emitter of noxious gases

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Like that one about Luke Fitzgerald still a few weeks away from being right.

Good fuck. Why would anyone move there?

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The fact that Australia has something called a “tarantula hawk wasp” tells you all you need to know.


Fusion has been 50 years away for the last 50 years.

I enjoyed my trip to Australia and I’d love to go back at some stage. If that makes me a weirdo, so be it.

You’re not a weirdo mate.
It’s a great country, it’s just getting increasingly difficult to live here.
I think the forum seems to have a problem with Irish lads arriving home after living the dream and giving it loads about how good it is here and how Ireland is shite.
I don’t understand this though. I go home and don’t want to leave.
It is a great place to visit, but I’d take Ireland in a heartbeat.

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Ireland is cold wet and damp.

It’s corrupt. It is dreadful on climate change.

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Australia is dry and in fire.
It’s corrupt and dreadful on climate change.


Maybe you should move out of the swamp?

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Or move to China