Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

I’d buy her a pint.

Those sleeve tattoos are awful on women

Wouldn’t be a fan of them meself pal

A good friend of mine was in an accident in Sidney the other day. All going well he’ll make a full recovery. Would be well known on the west Limerick gaa scene.


poor lady

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

I wont lie, this is an about face, even for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Here’s the more salacious version of it

Poor lad is a sound fella. Would have coached before. As you say, the outlook for him now is a lot better than initially feared.

Imagine being a parent, getting on that flight and potentially being out of contact for 14 hours. Must be horrific.

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Sorry about your friend guys, and its good to hear he’s improving somewhat, hopefully he makes a full recovery. Cant be easy on family or friends.

Will you let me know when we can start talking about Cindy? As bizarre encounters go, getting knocked down by a scantily clad sex worker is something else.

He is one sound lad. I was due to meet him the night of the Clare game last April but missed him.

Incredibly tough but out of that gang there must be 9 or 10 of his best friends based in Australia. So might be some help.

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read the article not the headline

poor guy

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Don’t worry it’s a simple mistake we all make them. I knew you had simply misread it.


my mate in perth has cancer

he was saying that he was blessed to be in the Australian Health system as its the bet in the world (especially at cancer)

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thanks mate,

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There would be thousands of people in that shopping centre at a time it’s like a maze

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The most disorientating building I was ever in.

Reports that the assailant has been neutralised.

Yeah, the westfield in BJ is almost like a mini city. There’d be thousands in there of a Saturday afternoon.

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