Autistic TFK

Time for the chap to hibernate for the winter. This thread vindicates @Sidney wonderfully.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post:9, topic:23385, full:true”]
I’m highly offended* as my psychologist mate told me if i grew up now i’d probably be diagnosed with some form of aspergers. [/quote]

There is still time for you to grow up mate.


What do we want?

A cure for ADHD

When do we want it?

What song is that playing over there.


Are you mocking mental illness now?

Fucking disgusting thread & sickening jokes added to it.

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I’m not the one who claimed 25 top top TFK posters are autistic mate.
It’s quite telling you are aligning yourself with the individual who did, you should take a long hard look in the mirror.

With regards to myself, I don’t think he meant autistic, I think he meant artistic.


I wouldn’t take too much notice chief. You’ll always get one or two later coming vultures on here who think there might be a bit of flesh on the bones.
I’d have more admiration for @Sidney then I would for the other two. At least he’s persistent. Anyway how could you give any notierity to someone like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy who’s most notable contribution to the US election thread was “I’m aligned to Putin mate”

**[quote=“Nembo_Kid, post:30, topic:23385, full:true”]
With regards to myself, I don’t think he meant autistic, I think he meant artistic.

Maybe you’re an autistic artist:wink:**

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No but I am an artisan illusionist.

Or that too

He tries, but there’s lots of shiny things in the bathroom.

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Maybe he meant asexual?


@anon7035031 where did this reference occur?


The US Presidential Election 2016 thread

The POTUS thread. Sidney may have suggested that anyone who gave labane a like was autistic. I thought it was more in the style of a rash generalization rather than an attempted mass psychiatric diagnosis, myself.

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Am I bolloxed or what?