Aviation Thread (https://www.reforestnation.ie/offset-your-carbon)

Yeah no panic

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O’Leary is some businessman, he is buying them by the hundred as their price goes through the floor

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Problem is so are the planes

Another Boeing…


Was due to fly back from Lanzarote last Saturday at 11:15 am, woke up to a text from AL to say the flight was cancelled and we were being put on the 18:00, bit of a pain but we were going to get home, they sent an A330 down as it was 2 plane loads, anyway the silver lining was that as the flight was cancelled or delayed by more than 4 hours we were entitled to €400 each in compensation. I filled out a form on ALs website yesterday and got an email today to say the payment has been authorised and will be hitting my account in the next few days.


Were you away, bud?

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He wasn’t was he?


You’d want your head examined etc

I wonder where these things happening all the time and it’s just because Boeing is in the headlines.


Whats with the rebrand? Green giant suited you

…in the wreckage of a 737-Max…

I’ve been doing a bit of research on this this, this could be Russian sabotage. They want to bring down an iconic American brand

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Aerbus have no right to be laughing about anything after Flight 447 fell into the sea because the indicator had a bit of fog on it, Well trained American pilots with military experience would not have let that happened

I’d wait for @Funtime’s analysis of the situation before engaging in idle speculation