Banks - Cunts


Id a fight with ptsb last year. They wouldn’t let me cancel a direct debit. I was angry at the time (although felt i had just about kept a lid on it) and escalated the complaint. I promptly forgot about it. Since then ptsb has intermittently sent me apologetic letters saying sorry they havent dealt with my complaint. Out of the blue they’ve sent an apology and an offer of 175e compensation. I’m delighted, but almost suspicious. But sure fuckit, the money will be put to some use!


PP delighted too.

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Taiwo to score tonight 9/4 PP Power Price :sunglasses:


surely a gambling man like yourself wouldnt let it settle there. its the equivalent of cashing out. theyve fucked up twice by not following their own complaints procedure. id gamble and say that the offer is derisory and youll be going to the ombudsman pending their final offer within 2 weeks. you should double your money

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Could you not cancel it yourself online? You can do so with AIB anyway.

No. It was an insurance policy previously connected to our mortgage. They refused.
I took the cash @artfoley !


Banks aren’t cunts though. They’re just a collection of people.


It’s people that are cunts.

That’s it really. People.

the separate legal entity is still a cunt




Popped in a sneaky large % increase on the rates for September with no advance notification that I can find. Invoice for sept is 35% higher than normal.

A new account manager turns up unexpectedly 10 days back and reaches out by email to ask if there is anything they can do for us.

I set up a call this morning for Teams as I wanted to see him. He calls my mobile at the appointed time explaining that he has a problem with his camera.

Told him we have a revolut business account set up and will move transactions - we do have it in place and have some small regulars moved over to test it.

He backtracked and told me that he needed to talk to his superior about our rates. Quickly back to tell me after, I guess he had looked at his script for 15 seconds, that they could revert our original rates to the prior group from 1st Nov.

Took another minute to remind him that we were overcharged for September and now for October. He promised a review and credit.

Legalised scammers.


Go on ya fuckin rascal
You demanded e250

But settled for e200

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They are cunts

Sorry, only seeing this now.

I had a fight with recently defunct bank a few years back. I ended up taking a case against them with the Financial Ombudsman. Long story but they botched our current account to the point where it was pretty much unusable for a few months. Eventually, rather than getting solicitors involved, I accepted a grand off them and immediately moved our mortgage and current account elsewhere. I think they initially offered €100, then €250. When we got the ombudsman involved they offered €500, then €750. I said I’d accept €1000 and they gave it to me.

Banks have a big chunk of money set aside for these types of complaints. Worth pushing back.


How’s the revolut test going? We are looking at it in our place

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Thanks for @reminding me about this @Corksfinedtboy . Id forgotten all about it, as you do. But i didnt remember seeing it come in. Just checked it. The cunts never paid. Fucking cunts!
@cluaindiuic thanks. I’m ringing them now. Gonna look for more again!


Give me a week


They’re devils

Piece on bbc lately about the lack of CC especially lacking when money goes missing via scammers etc