Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Star Wars & Star Trek - Earth calling Orson

Have to say i found it massively underwhelming. We knew that all of the main characters werent at risk.

Did enjoy the cameo at end

I donā€™t think there will be a season 2 unless they go with a large time jump and finish the Kenobi/Maul storyline from the anime( they will probably milk the life out of it with 3-4 series mind)

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The most successful series has been mando, the one which was the most original.

Gotta say ive enjoyed halo a lot more than obi wan

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Is Halo worth a go?

very much so, the only caveat is if youre a massive fanboy there may be something in it that will ruin the whole thing for you

master chief takes off his helmet

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Is the obi wan doc any good?

Is Master Chief a black lesbian woman?

Not bad it is.

Unfortunately no. Fingers crossed the next James Bond will be though.

That was covered in Rebels already.

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To piss off endless incels and snowflakes online.

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Are they not already permanently pissed off?

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Youre dealing with a very warped individual hereā€¦ Heā€™s angry at people being angry so he wants the people he is angry at to be angrier.

Sure Bryan Cranston nearly got cancelled for playing a quadriplegic.

Its a strange time we live in.

If everybody had to be the thing they were acting to be, it wouldnā€™t be acting.

Daniel Day-Lewis got an oscar for it 30 years ago

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Tales of the Jedi is smashing. Shows there is still so much to be mined from that universe

Andor is excellent. Carries on the theme from Rogue One, and even gets grittier. Looking forward to seeing where the last 2 episodes go

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Babu fucking Frik!

Any use? I havenā€™t had a chance yet

High quality of previous seasons maintained. No Boba Fett thanks be to fuck.