Best Irish Sporting Moment

Did a Cark club win an all Ireland?

Drink is a dangerous thing

Not one for the general masses but Paddy Harrington winning his majors is one of the best achievements by any Irish person.


Nothing will top Italia 90 lads… People driving around with passengers hanging out car windows with flags… People singing and dancing on the streets… I remember after O Leary’s peno we all ran out to the street and we were all cheering, adults and kids alike, the whole street… It gripped the nation like nothing before and nothing since.


Do ye think Sonia was clean lads. I do, but the sport was riddled then so to compete she must have been unraleable altogether. Fucking Chinese beating her was the greatest farce of all time. Turtle soup :joy: And the Romanian riddled as well. She was fucking robbed


I was working in Dell when she was robbed by the Romanian… Worked stopped and we all got to watch it in the canteen… It must still eat her to this day.

She was clean alright. Her older Daughter was 21 today - born about 10 months before that Olympic silver medal. She would have won gold if she had delayed her move by about fifty yards. She was phenomenal really.

You’re a lot older than I thought :grinning:

I’ve mentioned it before but remember being a young lad up in mayo on holidays and we went to a local pub to watch one of Seashell Myths races. The place was heaving, with a fair crowd of travellers. As Smith did her turn for the last length with a slight lead, one of the traveller women stood up on her stool and roared "Go on Sonia "


Sonia came for a TdeM training spin once, couple of years ago. I had heard she was sound before from others but she really is, she’s a lady.

John Treacy was so fucking iconic, gave me a love of athletics from a young age. A plucky Irish man sweating like a Corkman trying to read, it was incredible To watch him enter that stadium. At first I couldn’t understand what the big deal was, he wasn’t going to win? But soon enough I realised the moment.

Euro 88 however transcended everything. And Italia 90 then blew it over the top.

Fuck it, we do alright for what we are. Always made it worse what happened in that pool in Atlanta.

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Some better than others

The Leitrim one is that a team from Leitrim won the Leitrim football championship :grinning:


Careful now. You’ll attract the wrath of @anon67715551



In fairness some of them are bordering on the makey - uppy fringe but I’ll agree it’s a fairly daft one - club 30 years in the doldrums wins county final…unrale or what. I’d say the Balls mob never bothered their collective holes ringing anybody……


That’s nearly the best one! In fairness they’re nearly all fairly good achievements I thought there’d be more barrell scraping

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Much more impressive than anything the Mayo footballers did


It’s phenomenonal. Most women that age who took up running that late are thrilled to be waddling around the evening herald mini marathon.