Best Songs with US states or cities in the Name

Jesus, thatā€™s an incredible song, real lump in the throat stuff

Videos still donā€™t post right for me. Iā€™ll fix it on the PC later.

Aye, he abandoned it after two. A review of the second one said imagine whatā€™ll happen when he gets to the really interesting states (New York, California, Texas, etc.). Iā€™d say all the research he was doing nearly sent him over the edge

What states are we missing

Weā€™ll have @balbec posting the theme from Dallas next

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Think so?

Would you ever fuck off and make up the list. Youā€™ve been at nothing all day

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What did you want me to do.

Itā€™s up there now for New York

Minnesota and Boston by mick flannery

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Clearly youā€™re still deeply embittered about the whole concept of time thing for earlier.

The wonderful Eleanor Shanleyā€¦

Anyone for Alaskaā€¦

Was Alaska even a state then?

Of course it was. Are you insinuating that Iā€™m making erroneous statements on TFK. The forum charter indicates severe penalties for indiscretions of that nature were they to be proven.
A brief peep would confirm their position as 49th state in 1959. May as well have been 1859ā€¦


Just say the word and heā€™ll be dealt with

Habanerocat? Heā€™s the finest, just joshing. Itā€™s a super oulā€™ song, Iā€™ve tormented many a gathering with it, a well known standard of a certain age group.

Stand down boys

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