Crypto and Trading Thread

you’d be better off stuffing your bitcoins under the mattress.

Storing yere Bitcoin on a paper wallet/offline wallet wouldnt be a bad idea if you have a lot of money tied up on it. If yere coin’s get stolen due to a hack then thats it…

This is some hilarious shit :grinning:

The arse has opened!!! :joy::joy::joy::joy:

@ProjectX knew the score re the DAX :grin:

Japanese code without Nintendo involved I’d be wary of.

Bitcoin down a bit today

I would not worry too much. People bailing before tomorrow. I can’t get the transfer to Bittrex as I want to buy a few thousand into FunFair.

A little light reading!

The game’s up lads.

There is literally no actual evidence that Satoshi Nakamota is Japanese.

Correct on @ProjectX but a dog with a mallet up it’s arse would know that a pro business winner in the US election would lead to a global market rally.


It is only just about to begin. Why do you think the game is up?

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The Cboe launch.

It is not going to affect anything if you are there for the long haul. I am not overly worried about price at the moments the lower it goes I will go back in again.

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Bitcoin up 26% overnight as futures are launched. Trading halted to let the situation calm. This thing could get close to infinity if not beyond.

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I bought shares in a company called Litecoin last night. Literally the best investment I have ever made.


Bitcoin Futures being launched on the Chicago exchange is interesting.

Presume this will quell liquidity fears @labane?

If anything it could make things worse. If bitcoin collapsed as it has done before, even short term, it could take down some of the clearing houses that handle it and fuck knows how that ends. The problem is it is being treated like equities or treasuries in the futures market, we’ve seen this movie before.


I actually can’t believe that you of all people would see the downside here.

Why? It’s an incredibly dangerous product, no way of hedging it if it starts to collapse, and possibly no one to sell to. It should be only bought with play money you can afford to lose.