Was there anti-semitism in this episode?
The man who ridicules and pours scorn on Ewan now praising him. How the worm turns
Many aren’t ready for Ewan yet and use Wooly as a gateway drug first.
Irish twitters a nawful place.
Ruh Oh
A giant echo chamber, scary to think how much influence it has over every party
Irish Twitter is a nawful place
Her only mistake was that she didn’t do it sooner. But hey, she still has the screenshots as a memento of her time on Twitter.
Can the last real person on Twitter turn off the lights when they are done?
Thoughts with glas and linda at this time.
Did they employ the same lads as Joe.ie to follow them?
If you want, I can get you fixed up.
Even the bots don’t want to know the shite I spout online
There’s a reclaim the streets protest in London.
It’s a tricky time to be woke.