Bono - and Geldof - a pair of cunts

And he was right, we should never have left the commonwealth

Commonwealth wreckers are idiots!

Yes, it was after he died but he outspent the hutchence family legally and then gave the fuck all access

cc @StoneCold


Youā€™ll never unravel anything resembling a remotely coherent understanding of a scenario like thatā€¦unless you were one of the actual protagonists, and even then it would take at least a decade.


West Dublin Brit shauneens

:blush::blush::blush::ok_hand:fairly spot on though

And Brendan Oā€™Carroll

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I facilitated a great discussion here.

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You have issues

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Woah, leave West Dublin out of this, mate.

Neither Geldof nor Bono are from West Dublin.

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Ye are all the one to the rest of the country mate.

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Once you pass Newlands Cross going west yis are all the same.

Iā€™ve a rugby team to abuse here mate, I better go.

Point was both are west brits