Bono - CUNT

They were lucky to avoid the gangs of marauding orange men

He’s lucky the neighbourhood watch didn’t call the rozzers on him, in that rigout

His memoir will be a great Christmas gift

He’s dressed very stylishly if a little bit too warmly.


Prick of the highest order

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Bono has the usual suspects seething.

They hate talent and success.

Bono is a real Irish Republican.

Jaysus. Thats terrible. Thankfully, despite being under attack from mobsters, provos and racists, the millionaire, caucasian, davos invitee hasn’t had to face as much as a skirmish- apart from the imaginary ones with east belfast loyalists (whilst growing up in a sedate middle calss dublin suburb)


He’s a Shauneen


Between him and Sir Bob they make me sick tbh
2 anglophile fawning cunts who were and are far away from normal folk
Know it’s early for a rant but between them and the unfair tirade against our girl’s singing a few lines of the Celtic symphony
I’m overdue a blast
Those 2 cunts were born in the wrong country
At least Geldofs stuff is ok
That u2 gibberish is pure shite
Heard them in the city hall Cork generations ago
Thought they were pitiful then
And still do

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Was he lookin for an invite to the Debs?

What a wum Bono is

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He finally found what he was looking for.
A woman smaller than him.


Where the streets have no name.

It’s called cedarwood road mate.

He said: “Bono is also quoted in some news reports claiming that I hate him. Nope, Paul, not me. You must be mixing me up with someone else. I don’t hate anyone. It’s a wasted negative emotion.

"I do detest imperialism – a good old fashioned word. Greed. Cruelty. Unbridled capitalism. War. Poverty. I believe in freedom. Solidarity. Equality. Community. Socialism. The Arts.”

Mr Adams added that while he’s an admirer of the work that Bono has done in highlighting issues of social injustice around the world, his “commentary on the conflict here was shrill, ill-informed and unhelpful”.

“However, you weren’t on your own,” he said.

“You echoed the Irish establishment line. It was the wrong line for decades. A failure of governance and the abandonment of responsibility to lead a process of peace and justice.

“Thankfully that changed. But it took a long time. Despite this some of us got through it all. With or without you.”

Great wumming from Jarry here with last line



Congrats to Bono and the guys.

stan marsh dancing GIF by South Park