Bono - CUNT

Whereā€™s the rest of the video where we find out it was a San Fran sign?

Ah around Achtung Baby and the Zoo TV tour they were magnificent

Who else writes a great song about a post crucifixion conversation between Jesus and Judas

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I saw them in PuĆ­C, they were brilliant.

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I saw them in Croke Park in 1985.

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Imagine how the rest of us feel, Bono.


Iā€™d say Numb or The Fly must be top of his list

I thought what he said in that interview was very interesting and intelligent and displayed both the constant self torture of the true artist and, simultaneously, a lovely degree of self deprecation.

Cue some smart alecky reply about ā€œthe torture was all oursā€.

The power and anger of U2 from 1980 to 1987 was primal. Those performances stand the test of time and then some.

Longevity breeds contempt.

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Back in the day were U2 anti establishment?

Being a cunt breeds contempt too.


The Establishment was Charlie Haughey and Irish nationalism and they hated that.
They used to call up George Bush Senior in the middle if their gigs to give him guff IIRC. Bullet The Blue Sky was properly political, not just feel good modern political. Red Hill Mining Town was properly political.

Bono was and is an insufferable cunt. Very comfortable calling out oppression in Central America but avoided criticism of the Apartheid state on his own island or criticism of the cunts running it. A wannabe west Brit wanker.


Geldof tutored him well, the master and the apprentice.


I hear many people say this and Iā€™ll add I know little of geldof but Is there some doubts over his charitable work that heā€™s so hated? He seems an odd fish to me but on the face of things has done a lot of good work.

They were Fine Gael fanboys


They were pro Garrett FitzGerald and Fine Gael here in the 80s before they took their politics abroad and became pals with Tony Blair, George Bush and the rest of them.

Bill Clinton was it not?

You have to give them some credit for fighting their way out of the projects though.

Life in a Northside Non Denominational School wasnā€™t easy in those days.


They invited Garrett Fitzgerald to the studio for a photo shoot with them one time. Very early days.

Edit: but the Establishment to them seemed to be the Catholic Church, social conservatism etc. So to themselves they were big rebels.

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