Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Give it up lads, you never see a bookie on a bike.

They’ve put them up now but after paying out on my 200 wager last week, I’m now limited to max bet of 19 euro.

Rotten to the core they are. You can be sure they wouldnt put a limit on my losses


Mugs game lads

WTF is wrong with these lads.Giving their money away all in the name of “fun”.


It’s an illness

Dressed up as fun theses days,some amount of scum hocking it too

Me man in paddy power said they’re bringing out a new bet builder this week. They’ll actually pre select the four options for you and put it on your landing page rather than you having to dig through different markets and selections so it’ll be
Ronaldo to score first
United -1
Over 5 corners
2 yellow cards

Amd will give you your 23/1 price or whatever. You can see mugs just landing on that and thinking that looks good value at 23-1 and just backing blind without any calculation of the combos. They’ll clean up

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And we have lift off

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Rope a dope type stuff there.

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Whats the story with PP cards? Do you top in store and use it online?

Fellas will be going for mortgage in 2022 so will need to change tact or just do cash bets

Just open a splinter bank account and lodge cash to it.

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A colleague uses his UK bank account. He said over there they don’t look into that nonsense

Just make sure not to have any transfers from your main account.

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Haven’t deposited into PP in 2 months but have taking a big withdrawal or the exit balance as I’ll tell them. I’m up money ffs

You are okay with one or two transactions but it would be noted if there are large transactions.

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Does anybody really believe Tony bloom was using Harry Findlay as a marker ?

Mug punter maybe

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