Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Geoff talks a good game but is like the rest of them. You shall not win.

effing unreal if he gets away with that crap.

He is in a constant battle on twitter lately. He will never give in. Had an almighty argument with him a few years ago over a bet when i had an account there. He is an impossible man to deal with.

Let’s see the 4 dags and their prices before we jump to conclusions

£200 to win £2200 he says. So that’s what about 4 5/6 shots on average. Jaysus, hardly a coup :smiley:

Well, if other two lads placed similar, it’s a nice chunk.

Ya but we aren’t talking fancy prices. I don’t know how many customers he has, but 4 shorties landing wouldn’t be surprising if there was a few that had it surely.

They have to take a loss sometimes like, that’s the game


That was the game one time Julio-Geordio. They just do not winners now of any sort. I tried to get a fair figure sum in one of Ireland biggest bookmakers recently on a high profile gaa club comp outright. Allowed a tenth of what i wanted after a phone call and they cut the price to nothing. I would not be known as a frequent winner either in fact the opposite. Geoff does be bashing betfair exchange regularly to. The high street bookies are a shell of what they were.

WhatsApp layers are getting popular.

I can understand that as the book is not big enough. They are also scared of getting burned by shenigans ( for want of a better word).

You can pretty much get as much as you want on any premiership match.

Id imagine a lot of those layers are bankrolled by drug money and not lads to get in debt to.


When bookies are used as a method to get money to lads in prison you know the game is well and truly gone


6 k and he won’t pay this is complete nonsense. He should hav3 his bookies license rescinded after that.

Naive question time
How would that work?

Prisoner A owes Prisoner B money for whatever reason. Prisoner B has a PP account. Prisoner A gets someone on the outside to lodge money over the counter to a PP account owned by prisoner B or a family member of theirs. As its cash it’s untraceable. Money is then probably gambled on a 1/100 or 1/1000 shot in running to make the winnings legitimate and withdrawable.


Prisoner A’s family pay money every week into Prisoner B’s account so Prisoner B protects A from getting the shit kicked out of him inside by anyone, including B himself.

That’s covered under the ‘whatever reason’!

It’s a grand oul business model to be fair

A young lad, or not so young lad anymore, who used to work for me was doing this
He was on the outside but lodging to the PP account of someone on the inside to pay for drugs lost to a Garda stop and to keep them from paying a visit to his mother’s house


It’s fucking mad. I know a 14 year old lad who’s family got a ‘visit’ over a supposed drug debt. Basically trying to gauge whether they would pay up out of fear. Mental.