Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

They wouldn’t want lads collecting bets for scoring own goals

Ffs :roll_eyes:

Paddy power

Hit “find”

Scroll to bottom hit “help & contact”

Scroll to bottom hit “message us”

Type in “Free Bet/Bonus Request”

Get a free bet from ÂŁ5 to ÂŁ50 depending on how much you use it.


Fiver here :handshake:

I’m doing out some lucky 15s from the selections on the Cheltenham thread. Safe in the knowledge that all of the selections I’m going with will win, I started thinking about how max payouts work.

If you had a bet online with PP that paid a million and a shop docket of the same bet, would they pay both out or would they view you as the same customer? You could obviously give the docket to your other half to collect, but would they challenge that?

Basically, I want to make sure I’m not stuck with a mere million quid come Friday.


The relentless optimism that is Mayo-blood :clap:t2:

Im in the same mind, whats the max a shop would pay out and how do you claim a big winning docket?



This lad still at it - must have money to burn

He must be making more than he’s letting on. Surely…

Laytown FFS :joy:

Christ on a bike that is unreal.

Lads you’d buy those pitches for half nothing unless they’re prime real estate. Some bookies would nearly pay someone to take their pitches.

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He had in the comments the one he has in Roscommon is from a job lot that he won’t even use

I know of a bookie who swapped a pitch for a good bottle of whiskey 10 years ago. I cant imagine the market for pitches has improved much since then.

It’s more that he is arsed getting them. Doesn’t seem to make any sense. I’d imagine a pitch in Laytown wouldn’t be worth a €100

Maybe he’s hedging his bets….

I was thinking that myself. Isn’t there only one meeting a year there?

Buddy got a WhatsApp message from Fitzwilliam yesterday stating they’ve made a decision to restrict his account.

“You’ve demonstrated great skill and accuracy in your betting over the last 9 months and we’ve had to scale back business a bit.”

And he wasn’t betting on anything dodgy :grin:

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At least they are honest

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