Boston Legal

Recently got into this show after a glowing review from Ball Ox, and I must say top notch television Denny Crane and Alan Shore are fantastic characters, classic scenes below:

Denny Crane: Did my client tell you that this drug is unapproved by the FDA?
Mark Harrison: Yes.
Denny Crane: Did he tell you that, ah, there could be side effects?
Mark Harrison: Yes.
Denny Crane: You were fully informed.
Mark Harrison: I was.
Denny Crane: You consented.
Mark Harrison: I did.
Denny Crane: Take it again?
Mark Harrison: Absolutely.
Denny Crane: Like the doctor?
Mark Harrison: Love him.
Denny Crane: How’s your memory?
Mark Harrison: My memory’s fine.
Denny Crane: What’s my name?
Mark Harrison: Denny Crane.
Denny Crane: Like you mean it!
Mark Harrison: Denny Crane!
Denny Crane: What’s my name?
Mark Harrison: [shouts] Denny Crane!
Denny Crane: No further questions.

Alan Shore: [to Tara] Hello, I’m a complete stranger and I’m here to pick you up.
[notices Joe]
Alan Shore: Oh, I see, there’s two of us. I’ll be evens, you be odds.
Joe: You got a problem?
Alan Shore: No, actually. I just saw this fair maiden here talking to a tree trunk, and since I’m an arborist I thought I could help translate.
Joe: Here’s a health tip. Walk away.
Alan Shore: Why would I do that?
Tara Wilson: All right, guys.
Alan Shore: Don’t be deceived by my cushy appearance.
Tara Wilson: Excuse me. I actually am with him.
Joe: I don’t care. Walk away, or I lay you out.
Alan Shore: I don’t mean to be a stickler, but isn’t the object to lay her out?
[Joe punches Alan]
Tara Wilson: Hey!
Joe: Oh, gee, I’m sorry, I was reaching for my wallet…
Alan Shore: I see. Allow me to reach for mine.
[walks away to the other end of the bar]
Tara Wilson: Are you all right?
Alan Shore: Fine.
[to Mike and friends]
Alan Shore: Hello, big people. Sorry to intrude, but you seem rather strapping. Here’s three hundred dollars. Would you be so kind as to go hit that man down there?
Mike: [laughs incredulously] Really?
Tara Wilson: Alan!
Alan Shore: There’s an extra hundred if he goes down.
Mike: You’re on.
Alan Shore: Make it a good one.
Tara Wilson: Oh, for God’s sakes.
Alan Shore: [Mike hits Joe; fistfight ensues. Alan gives money to Mike’s friend] Here’s a hundred; go help your friend.
Alan Shore: [watches the fighting] Gee, seems Joe has buddies.
[passing out money to Mike’s friends]
Alan Shore: One for you, one for you. I’ve got plenty of them. Hit him hard, now. For you, and for you…

Sorry Flano, it looks like it’s just ball ox and yourself who watch this.

Although rumours went around a few years ago that smellthebenjy watches it.

it looks like it’s just ball ox and yourself who watch this

Thats not surprising considering its only on at 3.00pm on Living TV on weekdays and around midnight once a week on RTE 2.

I love the Boston Legal myself!

Been watching a lot of new episodes of this that I hadn’t seen and must reiterate how fantastic this show is. Genius.

An episode from the new series is just starting on RT One now. RT are getting top notch US comedy and they show it at 0015 FFS!!

Only see it every now and then but it is good.
William Shatner is a comic genius.

Brilliant episode last night…You can see the other partners beginning to turn on Denny though…this will probably be the theme for the current series.

have downloaded onto the blackbox thing

So ye recommend it?

I’ll give it ago after I’m done with the IT Crowd.

Anyone (Flano) catch this last night?

Best episode ever.

Denny Crane opens fire on a bunch of chinese trying to take over the firm with a paint gun, then he breaks into the neighbours house and gets into bed beside her without a stitch on - “I wanted to give her a Christmas surprise but it seems it was too big of a surprise”

Gerry Espinson voting on the Chinese takeover - “Pop Pop Nay”

Crane & Shore getting married now too.

If there is a better hours Comedy on TV, (maybe apart from Shameless) I’v yet to see it.

[quote=“tipptops*”]Anyone (Flano) catch this last night?

Best episode ever.

Denny Crane opens fire on a bunch of chinese trying to take over the firm with a paint gun, then he breaks into the neighbours house and gets into bed beside her without a stitch on - “I wanted to give her a Christmas surprise but it seems it was too big of a surprise”

Gerry Espinson voting on the Chinese takeover - “Pop Pop Nay”

Crane & Shore getting married now too.

If there is a better hours Comedy on TV, (maybe apart from Shameless) I’v yet to see it.[/quote]

Ah yeah I saw that one before alright. Chang, Poole & Schmidt :smiley:

By the way TT this sentence “Denny Crane opens fire on a bunch of chinese trying to take over the firm with a paint gun” makes it sound like the Chinese were trying to take over the firm using a paint gun :thumbsup:

:thumbsup: I’l try harder in future Flano.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]have downloaded onto the blackbox thing

So ye recommend it?

I’ll give it ago after I’m done with the IT Crowd.[/quote]

Following this post, I watched all episodes of this, back to back.

Its absolute genious. Shatner is a King.

I’m currently working through Entourage.

Savage stuff. Ari ha ha. My twin.

God bless the dodgy box