Boxing Thread

Starts at midnight

How does KP know its on 409 so?

I thought it was 402 on Sky. It tells you when you book it.

We’re talking about dodgy boxes though. Which I presume have a different numbering system to the normal sky.

im thinking this could be a harmless damp old squib
both of these 2 utter cunts have milked this for what it’s worth
Mr. PPV himslef knows this is prob his last big night, the work is done for them now…
itll go the distance and Money will do with he has to do id say to take a split decison
when i think of Pacquaio i think of the maniac who battered Marco Antonio Barraera in November 2003… that was a long time ago, its 2 ould lads now
this is farcical shit in fairness

Grand. Coverage starts at midnight though.

Some 85 year old boxing journalist on Off The Ball (their best interviews are U.S. Sports journalist) reckoned best bet was Mayweather by a decision.

Convinced it won’t be a KO and Vegas is a money town so a close decision would go to Mayweather.

signing out then

Irvine Welsh exclusive: Floyd Mayweather is unbelievably skilled at slipping a punch, but he’s better at dodging a potentially hazardous match-up
[SIZE=6]Irvine Welsh exclusive: Floyd Mayweather is unbelievably skilled at slipping a punch, but he’s better at dodging a potentially hazardous match-up[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]‘Money’ is probably one of the best-ever boxers, says the great Irvine Welsh, and he’s certainly the best ever promoter that climbed through the ropes…[/SIZE] by Irvine Welsh | April 29, 2015

So it’s with some guilt that I have to confess to being underwhelmed by this glitzy gala for a sport I love, centrepieced as it is by an event that features certainly one, and, possibly, two of the greatest boxers of all time. The problem is that it’s not just easy to forget that this is actually a boxing match, it’s probably essential, as when you recall this fact, the whole enterprise bears far less scrutiny. As a sporting contest it’s at least five years past its sell by date. We even know the result – a Mayweather win on points or by a late stoppage.

[SIZE=4]Mayweather’s risk minimisation[/SIZE]
Floyd Mayweather has achieved the unique paradox of being one of the greatest boxers of all time, but without becoming a celebrated champion. To be remembered that way, you need to fight the best when they are the best. Manny Pacquiao once fitted into that category, but no longer. The true greats in the golden age of boxing – Sugar Ray Leonard, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marvin Hagler - all realised that legacy went beyond cash in the bank, and that it was only the epic fights you took part in that truly immortalised you. They never dodged anybody, nor engaged in Mayweatheresque risk minimisation strategies.

Floyd Mayweather is unbelievably skilled at slipping a punch, but he’s better at dodging a potentially hazardous match-up. ‘Money’ is probably one of the best-ever boxers, but certainly the best ever promoter that climbed through the ropes. He cherry-picks his opponents with consummate skill. His career plan has been to wait out pressure-fighting peers like Ricky Hatton and Pacquiao, until they are past their best, knowing their style ages faster than his. In the meantime both boxing fans and spectacle hags are expected to be good consumers and buy into all this showbiz and pantomime, featuring guys who are a facsimile of the two great fighters that should have met years ago. (Mayweather 4/9, Pacquiao 15/8, draw 18/1).

[SIZE=4]Desperate, straw clutching stuff[/SIZE]
The Pacman has looked a busted flush in his last two fights. With his motor gone, Manny won’t get close to his foxy opponent. And when was the last time Mayweather got anyone out off their seat? This time Floyd will be ultra-cagey, and mindful of his unbeaten record. It all spells snoresville and the losers will be the people who came expecting fireworks, stuck with the grumbling consolation of throwing more money away on the tables and hookers of Vegas.

Is there anything that can upset this gloomy scenario? Floyd has a populist, crowd-pleasing brainstorm, and comes out of his shell, throwing caution to the wind, deciding to put on a show. Or Manny really just needed this fight to get his motivation back, has trained like a demon, and somehow rolled back the years, rediscovering his phenomenal speed and engine. Nope, it’s desperate straw clutching and it’s not going to happen.

So the big question for me is: will I get caught up in the hype and tune in? I’m as easily influenced as the next person, but in this case I genuinely don’t think so. The head says: let the guys who put on the exciting shows and the great matches reap the rewards. Boxing belongs to the Golovkins, Crawfords, Framptons, Brooks, Khans, etc, the hungry men on the paths to glory. There are plenty of real fights to look forward to.

[SIZE=4]Why the undercard is more interesting[/SIZE]
Ironically one of them is on the very tasty undercard, as a pair of undefeated emergent talents from two great fighting towns face off. Jesse Hart from Philadelphia and Chicago’s Mike ‘Hollywood’ Jimenez are dedicated fighters who are in that ring for all the right reasons; pride, hunger and a desire to see how far they can go in the most punishing of sports. With both at 16-0, each could have fought a few soft touches to bump their numbers up to the magic 20-0 figure that puts them on the matchmaker’s radar for a shot at a big world title. Instead they are meeting each other for the vacant USBA Supermiddleweight belt. The winner has a big purse ahead, and the loser will have to go back to the drawing board. That’s the sort of fight for the real boxing aficionados to look forward to, not two past-their-best veterans who have scammed the TV companies and the rest of us into caring. (1/10 Hart, 11/2 Jimenez, 40/1 draw).

What this massive (but not uncritical), interest in Mayweather v Pacquiao shows us, is how neatly our entertainment industry has dovetailed with the more psychotic elements of Internet media culture. We are drawn to this event not because we believe it will be anything other than a suffering bore, but because “will they, won’t they” is an ongoing drama we have emotionally invested in over the years and we believe it gives us some kind of closure on one element of our timelines. We’re being taken for mugs, but we sort of know it – a sobering thought to end on.

Oh, and did I mention that Mayweather wins on points or by a late stoppage? Anything could happen in Hart-Jimenez though, so keep an eye on that one.

Irvine Welsh is the best-selling author of Trainspotting, Ecstasy, Filth and The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins. He contributes to the Paddy Power Blog each month. Follow Irvine, if you wish, on Twitter here.

Irvine Welsh sounds like the standard opinionated celebrity casual who expresses a sudden love for boxing whenever there’s a big fight. If you were going by their last two fights, it’s Pacquiao who has looked better. Clearly beating the No.3 welterweight in the world and then knocking down the elusive Chris Algieri 6 times. Floyd on the other hand looked pretty poor both times against Maidana. In the second fight he just clinched and back-pedalled all night.

The difference is that Floyd delivered the sort of performances against Guerrero and Canelo in 2013 that were reminiscent of his peak, whereas Manny has been on a fairly clear downward trajectory since 2010.

Tonight is more even than most people seem to think though. There are three elements that in the past have caused Floyd problems, the opponent had a good jab, the opponent was an excellent combination puncher in the pocket, and the opponent cut the ring off well. Pac doesn’t have a great jab unfortunately, but he does have a southpaw straight left that the philly shell is naturally vulnerable to. This in itself might be enough to force Floyd to back up and surrender the centre of the ring. That’s hugely significant if Manny can do it consistently because he takes some of the control away from Floyd, who likes to decide where the fight happens at all times.

Obviously Manny is a great combination puncher in the pocket, he’s probably the best there is in the world today. But the real problem for him is that he can’t cut the ring off to save his life. If Manny can get into position against Floyd he will score, but there’s no one better than Floyd at denying his opponent position and I’m not sure Manny will know how to overcome that.

I can see the fight going a lot of different ways. The only people I disagree with are those who are overly-certain about the outcome one way or the other. If you just look at the history of superfights you’ll see that the pre-fight script has almost always gone out the window. You’re not dealing with ordinary fighters and it’s not an ordinary fight.

Floyd just tweeted his entrance music

What would be best sites to stream this?

[QUOTE=“Watch The Break, post: 1132883, member: 260”]Floyd just tweeted his entrance music
The DA won’t go as easy on this wife beating cunt when he’s retired and has no pull with the casino’s,he might’nt be as cocky

Gremlins in the system. It’s on Sky box 872 for free

Carl froch just nearly weeweed in his pants with excitement cos mayweather knew who he was

WTB throw up an auld link later will ye I’m up the country with no SKY

To go to bed and get up or try and stay up ???

Go to bed. Nothing worse than falling asleep for a few rounds.

I’ll be watching it in the morning with my father so staying away from phone or media until I’ve watched it.

Gonna stay up. Have alarm on phone set for 4.30 if I do drift off