Boxing Thread


Sweep, sweep.


You’re the one who has been misrepresenting the facts of the case and acting in a disingenuous manner.


LAS VEGAS – On the eve of his record-breaking megafight with Manny Pacquiao on May 2, pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather took an intravenous injection of saline and vitamins that was banned under World Anti-Doping Agency guidelines, according to a report by SB Nation on Wednesday.


I know you’re a bit dim but the substances he took were NOT banned.

WADA disagrees with you. They are on the banned list.

He received an expemtion, which he should have applied for before taking them, three weeks after he took them.

Something is rotten in the state of Mayweather.

The substance is not on the banned list. He passed his drug test.

Floyd’s been doping for years.

Bigger implications are for USADA, who have been involved in very dodgy practices in their boxing dealings. The article I posted by Hauser here a few years back will come to light again now. Serious questions to be answered.


I’ve already quoted you the ESPN article so here’s the Sports Illustrated one.

Report: Floyd Mayweather received banned IV before Pacquiao fight
Floyd Mayweather received two intravenous vitamin injections before his May fight against Manny Pacquiao, that did not comply with World Anti-Doping Agency guidelines, SB Nation reports.

The substance is NOT banned.

Is Mayweather a clean competitor?

Dude the IVs are on the banned list because they “dilute or mask the presence of another substance.”

The IVs are banned by WADA. there is absolutely no arguing with this. Of course he didn’t test positive for performance enhancer.

He tested positive for a banned IV that he only applied for an exemption to use three weeks after he used it.

One could allege that he may have been tipped off about the test results. One could also say that he’s completely innocent.

One could not argue that he used an IV that is banned by WADA.

But was the substance banned?

Dude you’re confusing yourself, it must be why you don’t see the real issue.

It was the use of the IV that was banned.

It’s banned as it can block these substances, that you’re looking for proof of, in official tests.

Glad I cleared that up for you.

No. I think it’s quite understandable an IV would be used to replenish the body after cutting to make weight. As long as there were no banned substances then I don’t see the issue.

Stay outta this you.

Logic seems to have no place on this thread at present alright.

You’re at odds with WADA here and it their opinion, not yours, that is important sadly for Mayweather.

Of course it would have been ok if he had thought to seek an exemption promptly.Instead he waited for three weeks for some reason or other.

It’ll be extremely interesting to see how this plays out.

Mayweather has no problems making weight. He’s frequently used that as an excuse for draining/ducking bigger fighters. He was masking banned substances. It’s the only explanation that makes any sense.


We don’t know that, because he used an illegal IV to hide the presence of banned substances.

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