Boys on the internet versus girls on the internet

Do any of you find a huge difference between one and the other when it comes to the internet?

For example, when I was in work I could literally spend all day on the net without getting bored but most of the (eight) girls I could bear to converse with had no interest in it.

They seem to prefer gossiping to each other over coffee whereas Iā€™ve been known to hold a pi$$ for about 8 hours if Iā€™m reading a really interesting site about music, sport or what have you.

They donā€™t even appear to read fashion, crap music, chick flick or washing up sites either.

Just thought it was a strange difference between the two sexes. The only thing than made me quesiton my opinion was bebo. But in reality thatā€™s just another form of gossiping and thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many birds on that.

Yeah, and the vast majority have no interest in forums. And have no idea why blokes do.

I think youā€™re spot on there. Bebo and myspace are different animals alltogether. MSN messenger is a big favourite with fairer sex also. The reason for this is because thereā€™s personal interaction(Granted forums are too but not on the same level)

Yeah, I never understood why they donā€™t really get forums.

I could be talking rubbish on several different ones, getting in arguments, winding people up all day.

I think they donā€™t like forums because on most thereā€™s lots of well thought-out and complex arguments and debates and birds donā€™t like this. :o

Theyā€™re simply not able for it but if it was like the leaving cert where they could go off and memorise a ā€˜how forums workā€™ revision book and then post it up word for word then weā€™d probably see a lot more of them. ::slight_smile:

Exalted you for that. Hilarious. About to send you a humorous email. Check your gmail.

Controversial but I agree. To be honest Id say most forums are garbage, this tfk does have ā€œwell thought-out and complex argumentsā€. Maybe thats why thereā€™s such a struggle to get female members on here.

Just exalted you for that

Itā€™s gas as well in work here the way they canā€™t even comprehend working outside the methodology we employ in the work we do. Unfathomable that you might contravene its rules. Ah theyā€™re a strange breed alright.

Smited you for copying me.

[QUOTE=ā€œBandage, post: 27164, member: 9ā€]Yeah, I never understood why they donā€™t really get forums.

I could be talking rubbish on several different ones, getting in arguments, winding people up all day.

I think they donā€™t like forums because on most thereā€™s lots of well thought-out and complex arguments and debates and birds donā€™t like this. :eek:

Theyā€™re simply not able for it but if it was like the leaving cert where they could go off and memorise a ā€˜how forums workā€™ revision book and then post it up word for word then weā€™d probably see a lot more of them. ::)[/QUOTE]

They good old days :clap::clap::clap::pint:


Smiting and exalting :clap:

Itā€™s like actually going back in time in here.

The INTERNET has come on a long way since '07

I had bandage pegged for being older. Turns out he was only 13 back in 2007 when he didnā€™t like talking to girls and stuff

His posting style was a lot less angry back then.