Childish in the extreme from the former tv presenter. Another Oirish lickspittle who had no issue with honouring the RIC but objects to Brits who never killed anyone- bizarre
The Irish talk a great game about Independence but have replaced the Brits with the EU.
It seems that one of the side effects of Brexit is that u-18s from Ireland and the rest of the EU will not be able to be signed by UK football clubs.
I think that’s what they were saying on otb anyway. I was seething about something else and not really concentrating.
They’re hardly going to kick the foreigners out if the premier league, I wouldn’t worry about that.
Good riddance to the cunts
That’s not what I said.
I wasnt really paying attention to what you said sorry
It’s ok pal. I’m just lashing out.
Is this a feud?
No pal.
That’s a good thing
It is if they have some structure here
Or do you reckon they’ll be off to the continent?
They’re better off here until 18 IMO. Also should allow the clubs to get some compensation if they do move at 18
Would the Common Travel Area not exempt Irish lads?
Rafael and Fabio went to Manchester United at 16 from Brazil. I’m calling bullshit on this one.
They had Portuguese citizenship
Finally a brexit benefit.
@flattythehurdler this HS2 thing sounds bonkers. £106bn already and the project won’t be completed until 2035. Sure we’ll all be moving around by teleportation then and HS2 will be as quaint as the canals.
I’ll not trouble me in the slightest. I’ll be long gone either West, up, or most likely down.