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Could Geldof do a job there?

“Up to half of the Labour Shadow Cabinet” expected to resign over Corbyn’s leadership this morning according to the BBC.


"LONDON — Jeremy Corbyn never budged. Not even Barack Obama could have convinced the Labour leader to help David Cameron make the case against Brexit.

Less than a month before the historic EU referendum, the team assembled by Cameron to keep Britain in the European Union was worried about wavering Labour voters and frustrated by the opposition leader’s lukewarm support. Remain campaign operatives floated a plan to convince Corbyn to make a public gesture of cross-party unity by appearing in public with the prime minister. Polling showed this would be the “number one” play to reach Labour voters.

Senior staff from the campaign “begged” Corbyn to do a rally with the prime minister, according to a senior source who was close to the Remain campaign. Corbyn wanted nothing to do with the Tory leader, no matter what was at stake. Gordon Brown, the Labour prime minister whom Cameron vanquished in 2010, was sent to plead with Corbyn to change his mind. Corbyn wouldn’t. Senior figures in the Remain camp, who included Cameron’s trusted communications chief Craig Oliver and Jim Messina, President Obama’s campaign guru, were furious."


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Interesting but wrong in many parts. His wilful “misinterpretation” of recent history to suit his ends, and empty rhetoric is entirely typical of the leavers.

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Heidi Alexander, Shadow Health Minister, has just resigned over Corbyn.

“the quisling secretary-general of Nato, Jens Stoltenberg”

John must read TFK.

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Corbyn has apparently offered Diane Abbot the Shadow Foreign Secretary job.


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Some fella called Tom Watson who is labour deputy leader and is a key player can’t be reached because he’s at Glastonbury

I wouldn’t come back if I were him, should pull a Reginald Perrin

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This toad Ian Duncan Smith on BBC now rowing back on all the leave side promises.

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It was always going to happen. They conned a lot of people with these lies. As a result it’s left the Tories in disarray and Labour eating itself. The only party not divided is UKIP. I’ve no idea on the Lib Dems stance on the whole thing.

This is an interesting take on it all though:

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No surprises to see the Blairites use this crisis as an opportunity to remove Corbyn. Jeremy commands overwhelming support amongst Labour’s members but not in the parliamentary party so is always going to have to endure constant cheap shots like this.

He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.

This crisis was none of his doing. It was caused entirely by the internecine Tory feud. If Corbyn campaigned hard for Remain his opponents would have blamed him for turning off supporters. But now his opponents are blaming him on not doing enough, it’s pure, shameless opportunism.


Interesting vote there from Gibraltar. 96% wanted to stay. Do they use sterling over there?

It was only a matter of time

They don’t have a clue. The fool electorate bought it all, hook, line and sinker.

“This morning the Irish Ambassador in London handed the UK Government a
final note stating that, unless we heard from them by 11 o’clock that they were
prepared to rerun the referendum , a state of begrudgery would exist between us.”

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The reality is that they just can tell the Leave voters that they have left the EU and the majority of them will be none the wiser.



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Four members have now resigned from the labour party shadow cabinet. Knives are well and truly out for Corbyn.