British Politics

Stella and liz must be the beneficiaries of some form of positive discrimination


I hear she likes pork but doesn’t like foreign cheese.

The UK seems like an ideal place for all the FG supporters to head off to.


Especially this guy.

Is “economically inactive” the new term for dolies

We’re already economically active. Lots of jobs there now for the SF lads.

It will be very funny watching this play out.

The dismantling of a welfare state before our eyes. It’s like a social experiment.

The blueshirt brethren would only love to clean the toilet’s for their Tory overlords.

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In Dublin a lot of the Europeans that come to work for Facebook and Google don’t have any English stating out.

If Dominic Cummings thinks that the smack heads of Glasgow and Liverpool are going to be retrained for that then good luck to him.

He’s not dismantling the welfare state though, in fact the new Tory strategy is to be more centralist to try and hang on to their new northern seats. That’s what British business wants at the moment also, not that Johnsin gives a fuck.

Good. I don’t like English who state “out”.

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How are you going to encourage the economically inactive to work?

A wealth tax.


There’s already loads of them.

The country is awash with unemployed ex FFG TDs, they are draining the states resources with their parachute handouts, I’m sure their beloved UK would welcome them with open arms

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Really? Name these “wealth taxes”, so.

Glad to see you believe in BoJo.