British Politics

I see Benjamin is in a small bit of bother

Jeremy Corbyn has been assaulted outside the mosque where a white supremacist ploughed a van into a group of Muslims a couple of years ago.

Tory James Cleverley and Countdown presenter Rachel Riley think it’s all a big laugh though.

Some lovely, measured reactions from Corbyn haters. Nothing to see here, of course, move on, it’s only Corbyn being assaulted, he brought it on himself, or something.


Amazing that none of this stuff gets reported on.

What ya mean not reported?

Where have these death threats to Corbyn been reported?

And why aren’t they a major news item, especially given that he was assaulted today?

Where are the condemnations from politicians, Tories, Independent Group etc.?

You’d think that death threats to the leader of the opposition would be big news, with media debates about it etc., especially given a Labour MP was murdered on the street not long ago - but I ain’t seen any.

Well from what i see of that tweet there, Corbyn was not actually tagged and it is some random fella typing it on his timeline.


So you’re making light of death threats because Corbyn is the target of them.

Thanks for confirming my impression of how seriously, or not seriously, you take all this stuff.

It’s as well for you it doesn’t

Is down, mate?

This again.

You have sincerely held views that are beyond the pale of any civilised discussion, pal, so I’ll bring it up any time I feel like.

Huh? You asked why it might not get reported. Is there supposed to be a crew going around the internet to find these things?

I’d have thought death threats against the leader of the opposition would be more than newsworthy, especially on a day when he has been actually assaulted going about his business.

Wouldn’t you?

Especially if the true desire of the media and politicians is to get rid of all of this sort of stuff out of politics for good, and not to only report on threats and abuse that fit a certain narrative that suits.

From the kid who claimed tyrone lads were the backbone of st pats maghera teams… …

That wound you up hilariously. :laughing:

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Ah right. I assumed it was just more shite from a child.
So you’re backtracking then…


Maybe you should make the media aware of it then?

I find it very interesting that you should choose to get all sarky and “smart” when Jeremy Corbyn is assaulted and the subject of death threats.

I find it very interesting how there has been a lot of reaction such as this from people who are keen to push a certain narrative.

It would almost make you think they don’t actually give a shit about assaults, death threats or vile abuse in politics at all and merely want to push a cynical, pre-conceived narrative into which everything must fit.

And when the prime target of that pre-conceived narrative is assaulted and has death threats made against them, they suddenly think it’s a tremendous laugh.