British Politics

There seems to be two different things here.

Not sure if Corbyn was egged or hit over the head with a fist, reporter aren’t clear. The former has a long held tradition in U.K. politics which it quite childish. If the person wanted to actually kill Jeremy Corbyn I’m sure there would have been more effective means than an egg.

The death thread comes from a headcase who should absolutely be reported and great to see he was. I was simply telling you why the media wouldn’t be aware. Hope that helps.

I’m not sure why you wasted the amount of time it took to type that pointless post.

Where have you been since 2016? There have been daily threats of violence, including death threats, against Trump and his supporters since his election, not just from Twitter fruitcakes, but also from media members and celebrities (Kathy Griffin, Snoop Dog). The same for members of the Tory party who supported Brexit, such as Anna Soubry and Andrea Leadsom. No outrage from leftist nutcases like yourself of course because they are the “other side”

But now that your fellow traveler Hamas supporter has an egg thrown at him you get all outraged.

Fuck off out of it you silly wanker.

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Anna Soubry is a remainer.

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Thia thread is an internetting beat down by sid

a very strong an active remain campaigner. Not surprised she got death threats from the Tories.

John Prescott wouldn’t have taken that shit.

They got him twice iirc.

Wholly unsurprising that @anon7035031 shamelessly supports assault and death threats against Jeremy Corbyn.

Classic Nazi tactics - claim imagined victimhood and yet support assault and death threats yourself.

But then you wouldn’t expect anything else from somebody who claimed that Nazis were “very fine people”.

Bloody Sunday wasn’t indiscriminate murder, it was just jolly good old fashioned British japes, of which there’s a rich tradition, or something.

Certainly if @Tim_Riggins and @anon7035031 are to be believed.

Boris is a moron, have I not made my opinion clear on him before?

Here’s another actual example of anti-semitism from within the Labour party.

Anti-Corbyn MP Siobhan McDonagh stereotyping Jews as “capitalists”, deary me.

Surely a cut and dried case for suspension, nay expulsion from the party, @Tim_Riggins?

And perhaps for Mr. Humphreys from the BBC too?

Boris Johnson, like yourself, is a fat, useless English oaf.

Unlike you, I condemn all threats of violence and actual violence against politicians in a democratic society. Throwing eggs at Jeremy Corbyn and nutters wishing for his death online is disgusting anti-democratic behavior.

Do you condemn the threats of violence against conservatives in the UK and Republicans in the US? Of course you don’t.

I do.

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@anon7035031 is wound up something fierce.

Probably because Corbyn wasn’t knifed to death as he would have liked.

So, you can’t condemn threats of violence towards conservatives in the UK and Republicans in the US.

No surprise there.

Unlike you, I condemn all physical threats and assaults in politics.

In fairness you don’t know your arse from your elbow when it comes to UK politics

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What does that have to do with threats of violence against politicians?