British Politics

He fancies her really…

So just to summarize your position, you regard Israel as an apartheid state and describe the label of apartheid in Muslim states in the ME as hatred. So, let’s examine it and expose the insanity of the left.

There are 20% or close to 2 million Arabs in the state of Israel, most of whom are Muslim. Arabs in the state of Israel are subject to the same laws as Jews, including voting in democratic elections and electing the members to the Knesset. The standard of living of Arabs as a whole in Israel if very high compared to neighboring countries, and increasing. I wouldn’t say Israel is a fair society but to call it apartheid is simply insane, especially when you consider how Arabs are treated within Israel compared to minorities in Muslim states.

Contrast this with Muslim majority states in the ME and define apartheid however you like, based on race, religion, gender, etc. How are Jews treated in Muslim majority countries, or Christians for that matter? How are women treated in Muslim majority countries? How are homosexuals treated in Muslim majority countries? Do women get to vote in Muslim majority countries as all women do in Israel?

The problem leftists have is their sole “cause” in the Middle East is the Palestinian question and they turn a blind eye to the oppression and subjugation of minorities in Muslim countries. In fact any condemnation of Muslim apartheid is labelled as hate speech, as if executing gays or stoning women to death for adultery is somehow acceptable behavior.

You and your fellow nutters consume endless hours every week ranting against Israel (but you’re not antisemitic), while devoting zero time to the appalling treatment of all minorities in Muslim countries. It’s a morally bankrupt position.

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I just took a quick skim read through that, saw you didn’t address a single point I made, and just ranted on with Fox News “talking points”.

Come back when you actually have something to say, other than regurgitating what some pro-Israel loonball says.

Could be waiting a while…

Sid, could you ever set up another thread for this endless loop, so i can ignore it?


I’d suggest just putting @anon7035031 on ignore.

Or at least all his posts should come with a live stream of Fox News attached.

The two boys are drawn to each other, its incredible to watch once you don’t let it get to you all that much.

Sid has taken a nice long break from frontline action here to re-arm and get in some food.
I’d expect he’ll mount an incessant barrage on the unsuspecting Labane and outlast him in a dour struggle. Think sterile Ulster contest here.

Like Hitler and Stalin

In all honesty, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they were the same person.

And didn’t even realise it.

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Here’s a lovely little thought experiment.

In the following picture, replace the name “Rod Liddle” with “Owen Jones”.

Replace “Islamophobia” with “anti-Semitism”.

Replace “Tory” with “Labour”.

Then imagine the reaction.

And compare it with the non-reaction to this article when it was published.

Oh dear

I find it absolutely astonishing that MPs who claim to be fighting anti-Semitism are actively pushing the Jews as capitalists trope.

Joan Ryan was until recently the chairperson of Labour Friends of Israel!

The irony of supporters of Israel pushing neo-Nazi talking points, you literally couldn’t make it up.

Lads it’s a bad deal. The brits will leave and they will starve. They will be begging the EU in 3 months and have an election again. Vote to go back in to the EU

I pray to God that @anon7035031 would go back to forecasting the stock market or perhaps spend more time cooking in his kitchen and leave @Sidney alone.

I fear my prayers will fall on deaf ears.

God bless you all.

A Ruddy mess.

He is.

But that’s sort of a mandatory job qualification for a Tory Home Secretary.

But even some former Tories can recognise blatant moral cowardice when they see it.

I don’t know if any of you here subscribe to Popbitch. It’s a newsletter from London that tells celebrity gossip that they can’t say in the papers. It had the Beckham/Loos story, the Jimmy Saville story and so on before they broke in the mainstream. A lot of it is just dirt about celebrity’s sexual habits and the size of their cocks and so on. It’s sort of open source; the public just e-mail in with their dirt on celebs. A lot of contributors work in media or PR.

Anyway, they talk a lot about paedos on the Tory party and in particular how there was an active nonce in Thatcher’s cabinet that gave Maggie no end of grief. They named that lad eventually, but I can’t find that post. Here’s an e-mail from Popbitch from 5 years ago I’m after finding:-

"This month marks seven years since PB legend Reverend_Goatboy’s death. Despite the passage of time, the stories he told have dominated the news in recent weeks. Jimmy Savile and corpses? Goatboy story. Rolf Harris up to no good? Goatboy story. Wherever he is, we’re sure he’s enjoying the last laugh.

For old times’ sake, another tall tale he liked to tell went like this:

“Seems that a former Tory minister, when he had to stay in his constituency, chose the local aristocrat’s gaff. One night the aristo is paddling down the corridor when he hears cries from his 12-year-old son’s room. Going in, he finds the Tory minister hanging out of his son. He promptly hits the panic button. It being the aristo, when the alarm sounds at the nick the ****ing lot show up - choppers and all (high alert at time re IRA). First plod on the scene piles in and the aristo says, “Arrest that bastard!” The copper recognises the Tory minister, and knocks it upstairs sharpish. A few more shunts and it’s Maggie on the blower saying leave it, she’ll sort it. And the Tory minister was whisked off to work in a reduced role. One wonders what hold they have over the aristo, eh?”

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Peter Oborne completely savages Tom Bower’s book about Jeremy Corbyn here.

Bower’s book and article in the Sunday TImes two weeks ago is the sort of outright lies and propaganda that is taken as gospel by those out to take down Corbyn.

Of course they would - the book is specifically designed to do just that.

You don’t have to support Jeremy Corbyn to see what’s happening (Oborne is a Tory supporter), you just have to take truth seriously.

Which those out to get Corbyn never do.