British Politics

Is Corbyn still hanging around? He got his arse handed to him two months ago.

What did you think of the video and how it pertains to Johnson’s deporatation policies?

Shouldn’t Johnson deport himself, by his own standard?

Deporting foreign criminals in accordance with the UK Borders Act 2007. Put into law by Labour.

But isn’t Labour who are deporting these people and that isn’t an answer to my question. Shouldn’t Boris Johnson deport himself? Because by the standards of who the Tories want to deport, he himself should be a prime candidate.

Was he convicted of a crime?

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Sure what does that matter? Not being a criminal has never stopped the Tories deporting people.

Your defensive reaction here is most interesting. It’s almost like a raw nerve has been touched. I don’t know why that would be?

Call me a fascist and I’ll know it’s really you.


Weird post and again a very defensive reaction. It makes no sense to ask an internet handle “if it’s really you”. Yes it is me, the person who operates the @Dziekanowski account. I’m not sure who else you would think it is unless you think more than one person operates the account.

None of this deals with the issue however, and that is that Corbyn absolutely skewered Johnson and showed him up for the disgusting, devious scumbag he is. If the Tories are so intent on deporting people, Johnson should be first on the list.

Is Priti Patel the worst human being on the planet?

Denis Irwin


Sajid Javid sacked as Chancellor of the Exchequer.

He will now be deported to Pakistan.

Don’t panic they have another Indian lad who studied PPE in Oxford to replace him.

India and Pakistan are different countries now.

And the new lad is an Old Wykehamist as well!

And he is ex Goldman Sachs and married to the daughter of a billionaire. He’s perfect. Where have they been hiding this chap all this time?

Rishi Sunak. Supposed to be a great bit of stuff. Chief Secretary to the Treasury. Javid objected to Boris taking control of the Budget and reducing his advisers so he “resigned”.

Apparently he was told he could stay in the job if he sacked all his team/advisors. Said no so sacked.
Classic Dom :laughing:

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Rishi Persad’s nickname in Tory party circles is “Token”.

Sorry, Rishi Sunak.

Could they not have at least got the son in law of one of India’s least rich billionaires?