Bruce Springsteen thread

Followed by the word ‘she’

The fucking cheek of the cunt to come over here and slag off Bono. Fuck sake, would we go over there and have a cunt off Agnetha? Would we fuck. She needed to be tossed outside the door by right.

David McCullagh’s blog on the Taoiseach cutting loose at the Bruce Springsteen concert

An absolute triumph

Nice picture alright


It’s good to see Bruce back from his fiasco in the park with hilary and beyonce

Copy and Paste.

Western Stars is the new album from Bruce Springsteen, and his first new studio album in five years. This collection of songs takes his music to a new place, drawing inspiration in part from the Southern California pop records of the late '60s and early '70s.

Sounded like an album of Outlaw Pete soundalikes

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Bruce is dialling it in at this stage. I’d say hus band don’t even need to hear his 'new material ', they could all just strum along like the last time.

It’s sad to see - 'The River ’ might be the greatest pop song ever written

Ah would you stop, even a Bruce fan would call The River a maudlin auld bag of shite.

Well they’ve obviously never borrowed their brothers car, driven to the reservoir, knocked up their girlfriend (her body tanned and wet etc), married her and spent their life working down a coal mine/steel mill.
No empathy those fuckers

Bruce’s brother in law did however

Tell me about it

I suppose you’ve heard this already but just in case, serious lump in the throat stuff here in the intro


Discovering that Bruce is singing about his sister’s tanned wet body has put me right off. He’s dead to me.

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His best song is Santa Claus is Coming to Town

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That’s a cover of a song by The Supremes

Me too. I never knew that.

I liked his earlier stuff. Darkness on the Edge of Town is a fine, fine album.


That’s about Mary, his girlfriend, not his sister.