Bruce Springsteen thread

I didnt go to Bruce this time, or last time, or even the time before. Any of the clips I’ve seen from the 4 shows showed an old man (he is) with a voice almost shot, would that be about right? Or was it just bad recordings?

Tell me you’ve never been to Croke Park etc etc

Everything went swimmingly in supervalue park, bar the weather. De dubs cant host big events anymore. Send them down to Limerick and Cork. Cc @backinatracksuit

Apes, enjoying beers in the sunshine and then expecting to stroll in the gate just as the show starts.

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Felt genuinely sad seeing clips of these lads slowing down & badly struggling over the last two weekends in GAA grounds where once they were kings:

1.Declan Hannon
2. Bruce Springsteen
3. Cathal Barrett


The entry points for the standing section were a disaster in SuperValu as well. Nothing like Croke Park but still much slower than you’d expect.
It was my first gig in the new park and it’s not a great setup to be honest, stupid one way system and not enough bars.
Some laugh when a jobsworth security man tried to clear the queue of women for the men’s cubicles, threatened guards and the hole lot, the Cork wand gave him short shrift :grinning:


Could have been better i agree, getting in was fine and the bar was alright at that time. My friend used this app to order pints and collect but it was off when it was my turn, bought cans instead.

The ladies had some queue aright. Getting off the pitch at the end was a pain, particularly when dying for a piss. Jumped the wall and went up into the stand. The security was saying you cant go up the stand, wasnt much they could do tbh.

Overall wasnt too bad now

the Irish have an awful problem with drink

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Some lads climbing over walls and bursting through security to take a piss

A week and a bit in Ireland has near killed the man

Not surprised if he’s ayting out of that leo burdocks kip

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