Calling Flano / Captainshan - Dublin vs Tyrone


Could you post the handicap / alternative handicap and winning margin prices up here if you can. Cant access it in work and PC on the blink at home.

Thanks in advance


Could you post the handicap / alternative handicap and winning margin prices up here if you can. Cant access it in work and PC on the blink at home.

Thanks in advance[/quote]

let me guess
you are going for tyrone on the handicap?

Handicap Betting Dublin (+2.0) [ 4 - 5 [/URL] Handicap Draw (2.0) 15 - 2 Tyrone (-2.0) 5 - 4 [URL=“”]top](javascript:void(0))

[RIGHT]Saturday 31st January 2009, 19:30[/RIGHT]
Alternative Handicap 1 Dublin (-1.0) [ 9 - 4 [/URL] Handicap Draw (-1.0) 15 - 2 Tyrone (+1.0) 4 - 9 [URL=“”]top](javascript:void(0))

[RIGHT]Saturday 31st January 2009, 19:30[/RIGHT]

Alternative Handicap 2 Dublin (-2.0) [ 3 - 1 [/URL] Handicap Draw (-2.0) 9 - 1 Tyrone (+2.0) 3 - 10 [URL=“”]top](javascript:void(0))

[RIGHT]Saturday 31st January 2009, 19:30[/RIGHT]

Alternative Handicap 5 Dublin (+1.0) [ 11 - 10 [/URL] Handicap Draw (1.0) 8 - 1 Tyrone (-1.0) 10 - 11 [URL=“”]top](javascript:void(0))

[RIGHT]Saturday 31st January 2009, 19:30[/RIGHT]

Alternative Handicap 6 Dublin (+3.0) [ 1 - 2 [/URL] Handicap Draw (3.0) 9 - 1 Tyrone (-3.0) 15 - 8 [URL=“”]top](javascript:void(0))

[RIGHT]Saturday 31st January 2009, 19:30[/RIGHT]

Alternative Handicap 3 Dublin (-4.0) [ 11 - 2 [/URL] Handicap Draw (-4.0) 12 - 1 Tyrone (+4.0) 1 - 8 [URL=“”]top](javascript:void(0))

[RIGHT]Saturday 31st January 2009, 19:30[/RIGHT]

Alternative Handicap 7 Dublin (+4.0) [ 1 - 3 [/URL] Handicap Draw (4.0) 11 - 1 Tyrone (-4.0) 5 - 2 [URL=“”]top](javascript:void(0))

[RIGHT]Saturday 31st January 2009, 19:30[/RIGHT]

Alternative Handicap 4 Dublin (-5.0) [ 7 - 1 [/URL] Handicap Draw (-5.0) 14 - 1 Tyrone (+5.0) 1 - 14 [URL=“”]top](javascript:void(0))

[RIGHT]Saturday 31st January 2009, 19:30[/RIGHT]

Alternative Handicap 8 Dublin (+5.0) [ 2 - 9 [/URL] Handicap Draw (5.0) 12 - 1 Tyrone (-5.0) 7 - 2 [URL=“”]top](javascript:void(0))

[RIGHT]Saturday 31st January 2009, 19:30[/RIGHT]

Winning Margin Dublin 1-3 pts [ 11 - 4 ](javascript:void(0))
[ ](javascript:void(0))
Tyrone 1-3 pts [ 9 - 4 [/URL] Dublin 4-6 pts 5 - 1 ](javascript:void(0))
[ ](javascript:void(0))
Tyrone 4-6 pts [ 3 - 1 Dublin 7-9 pts 14 - 1 ](javascript:void(0))
[ ](javascript:void(0))
Tyrone 7-9 pts [ 8 - 1 Dublin 10-12 pts 33 - 1 ](javascript:void(0))
[ ](javascript:void(0))
Tyrone 10-12 pts [ 18 - 1 Dublin 13-15 pts 50 - 1 ](javascript:void(0))
[ ](javascript:void(0))
Tyrone 13-15 pts [ 28 - 1 Dublin 16 pts or more 66 - 1 ](javascript:void(0))
[ ](javascript:void(0))
Tyrone 16 pts or more [ 40 - 1 [URL=“”]top](javascript:void(0))

[RIGHT]Saturday 31st January 2009, 19:30[/RIGHT]

[quote=“north county corncrake”]let me guess
you are going for tyrone on the handicap?


think tyrone will win easy NCC

cheers Shan