Calling Raven

Are you not going to tell everybody about how the eldest son in the Rock/Piper clan put you on your ass last night with what was called “the slowest step over you are ever likely to see”.

He was on the blower to me first thing this morning and he just couldnt stop laughing.

Apparently you had to be helped up and that you were cross-eyed for the rest of the game

That’s embarrassing Raven. I’ve seen you get a roasting before but never from a player as pedestrian as the croppy.

So croppy and rocko and Larry are related hmmmmm

That’s well established on TFK, you fucking cretin. :guns:

I’m supporting Clare on Saturday due to Julio’s actions tonight.

Julio is a Kerry cunt, FYI.

Where’s Raven?

That’s so Raven

Oh good lord :smiley:

Flano, where’s benshermin?

Riding around on a 70 year old bicycle I’d imagine

:lol: incorrect, good to see you’ve taken an interest though