Career Change

More likely this

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The VIP terminal is where it’s at for @Batigol

I’ll break you out into groups shortly to discuss what resilience means to you

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Increasing your PRESENCE on Zoom meetings*

*also can be used on family Zoom quizzes

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Another word for Nixers or Foxers?


That’ll be 5 thousand euro please.

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A Limerick word for it.


I have an acquaintance who had a fairly decent IT project management career going but grew weary of it and instead sat the civil service exams which they aced.

Is now with the department of foreign affairs and is a diplomat. They went off on their first posting about a year ago in a nice city in a first world country. They are second in command in the Consulate and it sounds like an interest gig.

Was fairly shocked to find out that they are on the same pay scale as a primary school teacher though. Currently on about 35k a year plus they get an allowance of around €2000 a month to cover rent which it just about does for a small apartment in the city they are based.

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He gets a lot more allowances than just rent allowance. Sounds like he’s on the AO scale, if he’s any way decent hell be AP in 5 years and starting on 70k.

Tell him to get out of DFAD before he becomes one of the hive mind and get into a real dept.



They got a one off payment/expenses of 20k as part of the move I believe. But that is a one off and they will be posted there for 3 years.

Money isn’t an issue for the person involved, they wanted to get into that line of work and took the plunge. They seem to enjoy it but was surprised the pay for a diplomat was on a par with a teacher.

The diplomat doesn’t get the summers off either

All the Ferrero Rocher he can eat though?


My Dept has foreign postings and they all get a foreign posting allowance per annum, it’s.on a sliding scale dependent on where you are. The lowest I’ve seen is 18k, the highest is over 40k.

You’re also tax free in the state you live in as a diplomat: you claim all the VAT back when you leave and get one or 2 flights home paid

With that many diplomatic service around, an ambassadors reception is more like this

Wash your keyboard you dirty cunt

Sending an email back home when some drunk paddy loses his or her passport over there deserves max 35k a year salary.


How someone develops an interest in this type of gig is beyond me. Do people watch Banged Up Abroad and think "I’d like to make a difference.?

So 35k a year. Plus 2k a month. Plus 20k over 3 years.

Puts it straight up around 65ks a year, a lot of that tax free.

I’d say it would attract a lot of racist types who want to go over and boss a few of the worse off locals around. Despicable.


Holidays aside, I’m not hugely surprised at the salary.

I have very little knowledge of that type of role but it appears pretty interesting, probably not very pressurised and I’m sure has plenty of perks.

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