Celeb Spotting šŸ

I think we can chalk that one down as an opportunity missed Mac

My best in a while. Damien Duff playing 5 a side in UCD tonight on pitch number 5 from 8 till 9. Often see him playing there on Wednesday nights during the summer. Looks class compared to the lads around him!

My best ever

Whilst strolling past the Leeson Lounge today at c 2pm I spotted none other than Bono himself entering the Canal Bank Cafe. He was with a random individual whom I did not recognise. He had no entourage with him and didnt seem to have any minders either.

he was carrying a vinyl album under his arm and held the door open for two lads leaving the resteraunt, fair play I thought, in the split second it took to happen, youv still got some manners Mr Hewson. Then a rather attractive girl recognised him and just kind of pointed in awe at him, he smoothly took her hand gave it a little kiss and entered the premises. Thank god I thought your back to being a bell end in my eyes again.

I would have liked to go into the CBC to see what kind of reaction he got in there, maybe an imprmptu version of Where the Streets have no name, but maybe thats too much to hope for. He wasnt wearing wrap around shades even though the day may have warranted them.

I can also report the man is tiny, really fookin tiny.

Padraig Joyce in Mary I college (Limerick) yesterday afternoonā€¦ is he involved in the building sector??

This is really Bandageā€™s (as he spotted him first) but he obviously couldnā€™t be bothered posting so I am going inā€¦

Ex Lord Mayor and failed MEP candidate Royston Brady drinking outside Kehoes on South Anne Steet on Firday evening last. He was dressed in a shirt and jeans with a blazer over the shirt and generally looked a right tosserā€¦

Bandage also spotted some other impressionist guy who I never heard of but safe to say was doing my head in as he gave a running commentary on the penalty shoot out whilst doing impressions of Brady etcā€¦( basically the Apres Match one)

Venue - Beverly Hills Strip Club, Vienna
Date / Time - Sunday 22 June, 3am approx
Celeb - Marcel Desailly

Marcel was dressed in a navy suit and was last seen going into a private area with Laura from Poland.

Apologies to Marcel if his wife logs on and sees this thread

Thatā€™s a belter Baby.

Was brought out for a meal by the girlfriends parents after the games yesterday to Shanahans on the green of all places. Anyway, Mary Oā€™ Rourke was in there tucking into a big steak. Dressed casually and seemed to be enjoying herself.

Some superb spots over the weekend there folks. The other guy I spotted in Kehoeā€™s on Friday night was the clown who rips off Gift Grub on RTE Radio. His name is Oliver Callan and he calls it ā€˜Nob Nationā€™. He can do some impressions alright but the trouble is heā€™s actually not funny at all. He was watching the Turkey-Croatia shoot-out and doing Brady, Giles and all that. Farmer and I were just looking at him thinking, ā€˜Youā€™re not funny. Shut up. Prick.ā€™ Then after a while I started shouting those thoughts.

What was Shanahans like? Iā€™ve never eaten there but am always tempted by their ad in Cara.

ya he works for a labour supply firm. few ex gaa players at the same job kieran mcgeeney, john divilly

Absolutely gorgeous, but couldnt really appreciate it as I was half cut walking into the place. Then drank a few bottles of wine in there. The steak would melt in your mouth.

I used to live near the Canal Bank Caf. There was a period of about a year where the ā€˜Cā€™ had fallen off of the sign and any time I was strolling home locked from town Iā€™d crack up laughing at the ā€˜anal Bank Cafā€™.

nice work if you can get it mac, hold on to her!!! Fookin shanahans, posh lad

And myself and herself sitting in there in Wexford jerseys! Got some looks off the staff in there.

adrian chiles outside a bar in vienna-the croppy called him over & when he looked up the croppy called him a cunt - chiles then walked away

i had forgotten about that NCCā€¦hilarious stuff.

didnt see that you had posted already DOB

I heard itā€™s 9.50 a gargle in the fanzone in Wien, bollocks to that

surprised they left ye in to be honest! I wouldnt have if I was them