Celeb Spotting 🐐

she would get it. pity to hear she is off to hollywood soon to make a career for herself in the movies.

Who: RTE reporter Greg Allen and Indo golf journalist Karl McGinty

Where: Ryanair flight to Kerry this morning

Company: Pile of other blokes

Wearing: Golfish gear

Other info: Recognised Allen’s face but failed to place him. Once he opened his mouth I knew who it was straight away. McGinty’s face looked familiar also and when I heard someone referring to him by Karl I realised who he was. A quick google search confirmed it.

McGinty was heard saying ‘Here’s one for ye lads - Ballack didn’t get sent off last night because the referee was German. What do ye think?’

No answer.

Anyway upon arrival in Kerry the lads were met by some business looking people and I presume they were invited to a round a golf in the near vicinity.

Who: Mick O’Leary
Famous for: Gaffer of Ryanair, PR genius, all round hard-nosed businessman.
Where: Punchestown
When: Today
Attire: Typically casual lounge suit with lots of cream and tan colours. Sensible footwear.
Other notes: Mick was near me in the parade ring and was deeply encouraged by the run of his horse Sam Adams in the novice hurdle. He conveyed his pleasure at the run to the trainer, former Wexford hurler and all round alright sort Paul Nolan with the words “we’d have taken that before the race”. I momentarily lost focus on the conversation as a leggy brunette passed between us and the dialogue seemed to have trailed off by the time I refocused on the job at hand of taking notes on the celeb spot.

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Who: Mick O’Leary
Famous for: Gaffer of Ryanair, PR genius, all round hard-nosed businessman.
Where: Punchestown
When: Today
Attire: Typically casual lounge suit with lots of cream and tan colours. Sensible footwear.
Other notes: Mick was near me in the parade ring and was deeply encouraged by the run of his horse Sam Adams in the novice hurdle. He conveyed his pleasure at the run to the trainer, former Wexford hurler and all round alright sort Paul Nolan with the words “we’d have taken that before the race”. I momentarily lost focus on the conversation as a leggy brunette passed between us and the dialogue seemed to have trailed off by the time I refocused on the job at hand of taking notes on the celeb spot.[/quote]

if he had a horse running there, im not sure if this is a spot


He’s not employed as a horse owner you gimp. Its a leisure activity. Like spotting Marcel Desailly in a strip club.

does he give the prize money away?

I don’t know. Google it you mong :stuck_out_tongue:

check pukepedia & get back to me asap

Dont think this can be a spot if he had a horse running.

A stonewall spot.

:rolleyes: yeah, g’look to ye

No way Bandage. :smiley:

Sure I had a spot today then. Hector hEochagin in PP Towers but as he was probbably there for work It cant be classed as a spot. :rolleyes:

[quote=“Captainshan”]No way Bandage. :smiley:

Sure I had a spot today then. Hector hEochagin in PP Towers but as he was probbably there for work It cant be classed as a spot. :rolleyes:[/quote]

Is he being paid by Paddy Power Shan? Yes, then its not a spot. Is Michael O’Leary being paid by HRI to be in Punchestown? I severely doubt it. Great spot SS**

Ah yeah I presume he would be. Was O’Leary paid prize money though?

not a spot.

I throw myself at the mercy of the court, but perhaps I should have clarified, Mick himself did not have a runner today, however Gigginstown Stud (which he owns with his wife) did have runners. Therefore no money accrued directly to Mick from these races, all monies go to Gigginstown Stud. I think it would be harsh to accuse Mick of being in his place of work today in any shape or form.

if mick galwey wasnt a spot for me, then this cant be a spot

its not random or off the cuff enough to be a proper spot - its a horse owner at the races so its not unsurprising to see him there

Wasnt he at the races there yesterday. Would have been a spot then. :rolleyes: