Celebrity and Complete No Marks Deaths 2019 to now include Celebrities who are critically ill and dogs & cats

Very nice.

There was fantastic line from Niall Fitzgerald’s in the Independent’s piece with him telling Fitzgerald for years that Munster only won the Heineken Cup because Leinster were in transition.

any views on @GeoffreyBoycott comments?

What comment?

that he saw sutherlands who was obviously very sick and not long for the world and he instead of feeling pity for the poor man he might be able to get cheap likes on TFK by nominating him to die

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Did he nominate him?

Have you never been mawkish before?

Ive never seen a very sick person and thought it was a positive thing

but lets not digress, what do you think of Jeffs behaviour?

Is posting on this thread a positive thing? Lots of sick fucks on here so.

nope, his thought process when seeing a sickman was one of the glee

I’m disappointed that you didn’t answer the question and that you are ok with one of your right wing e-friends attitude towards a hero of yours

How did you come to this conclusion that I felt no sympathy for Suds when I saw him coming out of Lansdowne Road? You’re imagination really is running wild.

based on your post

You really are jumping to all sorts of bizarre conclusions.

To be honest I don’t see it as any different from posting on here. There is a Deadpool where people revel in predicting the correct death.

If it weren’t for the fact that you picked sprightly your rugby footballers annually you’d be in there to take your pat on the back when people pass.

ok, you seem to be responding in regards to me rather than telling us what you think of jeffs behaviour

The answer to the question is above, I don’t have a problem because a great many people on here post celebrity death predictions including yourself. The only reason they do is to get e-points. I don’t see much of a difference.

ok, I’m perturbed that you think people are putting celebs up in that thread in the hope that they die, that would be sick

I’m perturbed that you are not perturbed of Jeffs thought process when he saw your hero gravely ill

I said I spotted Suds coming out the Ireland v England match in 2015 - which was played on 1 March 2015. I then said I subsequently didn’t include him in my Celebrity Death predictions. The next list of Celebrity Death nominations after 1 March 2015 would have been around some 10 months later at the end of 2015/start of 2016. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy really is letting his imagination run wild.

That’s what you are saying yourself though. You are claiming that because he was going to put it up here it was just for e-cred. That means you think anyone who does that is vile, including yourself.

Nope, he saw a gravely ill man and his first thought was to see it as an opportunity to get e-credibility on here

it was vile behaviour

most people would feel empathy

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“I spotted him coming out of Lansdowne Road (wearing his Lansdowne RFC tie) after the Ireland v England game in 2015 and he had the look of a very ill man. I did subsequently think of putting him in my Celebrity Deaths predictions but I resisted the temptation and played by the rules and didn’t utilize this piece of insider knowledge.”

where is the empathy?

I recall seeing a sick Jimmy Johnstone in Glasgow a few years back. I felt sad

I would suggest that predicting anyone’s death on an Internet forum to get e-cred lacks empathy.

I wouldn’t call this kind of stuff too empathetic either

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