Celebrity Deaths - 2017

Willie Duggan was box office. A celebrity.

I, and many others never heard of him, mate. When did he play, 60s/70s? Rugby barely existed back then.

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Stand down mate. Just, stand down.

Standards are standards, bro.

I wont request it of you again.

I dont think anyone is interested in your standards pal. Thats the thing

An amateur sport back then played in a few countries as opposed to a professional “sport” now still played in just a few countries

They’re forum standards, kid.

When forum heavyweights like boxty and geoff, who werent still a twinkle in their Daddys eye when Slattery Duggan and O Driscoll were marauding around Europe and starring for the Lions, give Willie Duggan the nod then hes a celebrity. Capiche :ok_hand:

Now up your game son or fuck off

Forum heavyweights :rofl:

Don’t be silly

i will

dont be ruining this thread tough

forum heavyweights that made up and praised a vile story about a man that just died

right you are

We all probably made brash and even some misogynistic posts on here in our 20s and early 30s but a gleefully told story about some guy committing a sexual assault in a bar commanding a slew of likes is just plain grim.

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Infairness the stories being told about now make him sound like the worst king of rugby cunt.

If it helps settle the argument lads I’ve heard of Willie Duggan.

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And racist

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Hopefully that story @anon67715551 posted was made up anyway. Horrible stuff.


Summed up everything I dislike about rugby.


+1. Racism, sexism, criminality, sense of entitlement, feeling of being above the law. Some pathetic muldoons rapt by it and in awe of it all instead of reporting it to bar management and/or the police. Hopefully it was made up though and it probably was.