Celebrity Deaths - 2017

I think I’ll listen to the Paris Texas soundtrack

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A legend - a staple of David lynch movies.

Bobby"The Brain" Heenan RIP.

Ah no. :sob:

Fuck you 2017.

sad news


You’re joking me

Funny fucker, would have made it in any area of the entertainment industry.


The real World’s Champion


“Jannetty tried to dive through the window to escape, what an act of cowardism”

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Superb Ry Cooder work, one of his best and that’s saying something. I could listen to him for days, an extraordinary talent.

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Never heard of him. God be with his soul.

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Not a celeb.

Due to the age profile of TFK I’d say The Brain is definitely a celeb, when we were all little boys watching wrestling occasionally due to the lack of real sport on TV he was a big cheese.


He’s a wrestler ? :joy:

Give over lads ffs.

Had you ever heard of him? The only wrestler I knew growing up was Andre the Giant, and thats because he was magnificent in The Princess Bride.

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Hulk Hogan and the Giant were the two we all knew but my parents loved me and never let me stay up to watch their fights as they were on at 11pm at night.

Haven’t a fucking clue who he is. Some real
Old timers around here

Vile post

First time I saw Hogan was Rocky III in the mid 80’s or so, but even at that, I knew nothing of him. Wrestling is gas.

In typical fashion, my parents were softer on the younger brother and he stayed up to watch cage rage or whatever it was – the weird fucker still watches wrestling – albeit with his 7 year old.

The Brain arguably made Andre the Giant (I know he was a huge star before, but Hogan-Andre the Giant was a real touchstone in American pop culture history). Yes he was a freak of nature, but without the mouth there you don’t have much to go against in pretend fighting when it’s Hulk Hogan who was such a good talker.


The Conor McGregors and internet wums of this world owe a lot to the likes of Bobby Heenan for his pentomine humour and wind ups.

Brain: (on w:Real American, w:Hulk Hogan’s theme music) “That’s my second favorite song.”

Gorilla: “I’m almost afraid to ask…what’s your favorite?”

Brain: “All the rest are tied.”