Celebrity Deaths 2022

Red wine and steak in Buenos Aires after taking in Boca Juniors :ok_hand:


I spent 6 weeks in China/Homg Kong back in the late 90’s. Shanghai and Beijing were reasonably well developed. Outside of there, once you got into the countryside it was fairly primitive.

Huge change in Shanghai ahead of the Olympics. Massive improvements made.

One downside was previously they’d HUGE market area. You could buy anything at all there from cameras to golf clubs and the people behind the stalls tended to live there. Authorities thought it wasn’t a good look for Olympics so simply bulldozed the lot.

Ray Liotta :cry:


Fuck it anyway

Ah jaysus. I saw him in something recently and he looked fairly shook. Just checked there and he was only 67.

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Ah Jayus.

Ah no

Ah no

Only watched Identity there again last week.

Fuck it anyway

He got very old looking in the last 7-8 years.

RIP Ray.

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Fucking hell.


:disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved:

One of the greatest cinematic performances of all time in Goodfellas. May he Rest in Peace.


A martyr for the drink unfortunately

He definitely exuded that on screen magnetism. He brought you places in some of those movies.

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Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Looks like hes a godfella now.

Never really got the credit and acclaim that he deserved for goodfellas.

If you get a chance tonight lads seek out his ER guest appearance, a guy dying told in real time. A marvellous performance,.


Great actor