Celebrity Deaths 2022

Mullins always looked a right thick fucker.

I mean that in a good way.

He was the best footballer that wasn’t from Kerry when Kerry were at their peak,(besides Dinny Allen like) Mullins was a massive figure in the game, a colossus RIP




Can’t disagree.

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About 10 years ago at around 7.30am one morning i was jogging on the Clontarf rd towards town when Mullins came by me on his bike. Just after he passed me a car coming from Alfie Byrne rd came thru an orange light forcing Mullins to brake suddenly. The car sped on with the big man shouting all sorts of abuse after it.

I thought that was the end if it until I (and the bould Brian) noticed the offending car having to stop at lights outside Westwood gym. Brian began to pick up speed and in the spirit of pure nosiness so did I. Just as he passed the offending car he slowed down ever so slightly and planted his big size 13 foot into the passenger door of the stopped car before cycling on serenely. He was Director of Sport in UCD at the time.



Had he country parents?

I thought you’d enjoy that one

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@binkybarnes is the best orator on here. Superb anecdotes.


Kerry father and a Dublin Mudder i think. Im pretty sure Diarmuid Mullins limerick u20 hurling manager is a nephew.

Correct and right

Eh, it’s not appropriate to speak ill of the dead mate. Especially the very recently deceased.

I’m sure there are plenty of stories about him that don’t make him out to be a prick.

He’s a hero to me in that story


Each to their own mate.

Wouldn’t be supportive of lads going round causing criminal damage myself but there you go.

FAO the forum

@thedancingbaby parked on a footpath yesterday on make way day

This is illegal


This is almost as bad as his promotion of horsey horse and gambling



Saw on twitter there that he was a good cricket player too

No argument but @flattythehurdler has a way about him as well. I still have a little laugh to myself when I recall his story about the crabs

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He saved Dublin GGCricket a few years back

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