Celebrity Deaths 2022

Iā€™d say Gillespie is a proper cunt. Itā€™s mad that the people who created the Screamadelica sound are now mostly dead. Denise Johnson was an outrageously brilliant singer and seemed like a lovely down to earth person. It was very sad what happened to her.

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I was going to read his rags to riches book but I might not bother now.

The music industry is full of cunts and vultures. If you were to not listen to anyone who was a cunt youā€™d be left with a short enough list. The Smiths, Chuck Berry, The Rolling Stones, James Brown. I could be here all day listing them.

Brian Johnsonā€™s book was a great insight.

Cut off Robert young (Throb) too who died in squalor. Seems Gillespie going clean meant he decided to fuck anyone still drinking or drugging in the band.
A proper champagne socialist

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mike love, the biggest cunt of them all


Wouldnā€™t it be nice to see the cunt die screaming

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Paul Anka was on with Bill Burr a few weeks back - seems quite the character. He was on about how the mob controlled the music industry in the states 50 to 60 years ago.

They used to have a saying - write a word, get a third - where the mobster would put themself down as a Co writer and take a third of the royalties. Song wouldnā€™t get recorded, released and promoted otherwise


The master of Bunga Bunga has kicked the bucket. So long Silvio

berlusconi GIF

For fuck FFS.

Sinead Oā€™Connor.

What a voice.

Ah no

An incredible loss. May you be free of suffering, may you know peace.

Cause of death sadly id say we are all thinking the same after the son recently it was only a matter of time, RIP she had a magnificent vocal talent but a tortured soul.


Wrong thread/year

Terry hall at the bbc on bbc4 now, some smashing tunes


Great stuff. Thanks for that


Huw avoids a jail term. 6 month suspended sentence.


Ha ha! Fucking hell.

Thatā€™s some postā€¦ And liked by a load of headbangers alao

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