Celebrity Deaths 2024 (90 or younger)

Eh, the last island wide election was a triumph for nationalism and independence. Failed diplomacy and negotiation partitioned the country.

Britain were the ones that ignored democracy and the results of ann election.

But yeah, republicans are to blame for everything :joy::+1:

State funeral for Prime Minister Bruton on Saturday. I’m in Dublin tomorrow. I’ll make it my business to get to the Mansion House to sign the Book of Condolences.


Funnily enough there were local women from a nationalist background who got caught up in the whole princess di hysteria…wouldn’t bother themselves to attend a wake down the road, but took themselves over to london for the funeral. People are funny.


A fella I know’s missus flew to London for the Queens funeral. Jesus, and you think you know someone. I mean he was from Cork, but even still.


Are condolence books ever checked before the family gets them?

They would want to check this one anyway.


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If Vincent Browne says John Bruton was a decent man then he was a decent man.

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And of course the Last prime minister of Ireland died around 1945 :person_shrugging:t2:

The forum needs a big name death to settle a few lads down here

A lovely gesture. Would you leave the url for this thread on the book of condolences please?

A bad 48 hrs for the empire.

We should annex Rockall asap.

Charles winsor is lining himself up to save john brutons good name as a servant for the empire



Some nice words on what must have been a tough task.



Condolences @Fagan_ODowd

Thanks @Cheasty
One of the greats. Future days is a super album.


I think there is just one of them left now - Schmidt.

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