Celebrity Deaths 2024 (90 or younger)

Charged with sexually assaulting a lady in the jacks of a nightclub in Spain

Not only charged but convicted last week. Four year prison sentence


Alves wouldn’t commit suicide; his philosophy is posession based. He’ll wait for the opening.

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Depends on the method. You wouldn’t put doping past a Barcelona great. I hope this is a false nine (o’clock news report).

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I’d say he is sound as a pound

Very sad news that Karl Wallinger of The Waterboys and World Party has passed aged 66.
I really liked World Party, a very underrated band that produced very, very good music. He had quite an eclectic career, a very talented man. RIP.


Charlie Bird.

That’s sad. May he RIP

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That MND is horrendous. But for the grace of God etc.

He fought it bravely. RIP.


RIP Charlie.

I have seen MND in my extended family over the last two years - there are no words.


If ever there was a case for assisted suicide this would be it.


He faced it with great dignity. I think I’d prefer to be pushed into traffic. It’s a cursed thing. Good for him he went to the States and tried it, I remember he took some stick but what harm. He was easy to like and didn’t appear to take himself overly serious in his role. He exuded a trustworthiness which served him well.

May he rest now, I think he’ll be remembered well.


Sorry to hear that. Effectively imprisoned by your own body. A very cruel disease.

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RIP to Charlie Bird. He fought with amazing dignity and made life better for others in doing so.


Not only that but the family around the person too. This man is only 44 and both parents around the 70 mark. They can do nothing.

It is horrific and doesn’t bear thinking about.


Thats rough.Christ at 44 you should be in your prime. His parents should be enjoying retirement and in the enjoying the grandchildren phase of life. I hope all and sundry are getting the care and in his familys case the respite help they need.

There are no issues there I think. The MND charity are very active and understandably are very well supported financially. A gofundme was set up as well and nearly raised 100k. People trying to do their bit against a disease where everyone is powerless.

I said on here before that many people have said ‘…at least with cancer…’ when speaking about the situation. That’s when you realise how tortuous MND is.

A word for Charlie Bird as well. He faced the most awful of obstacles with courage and dignity. Even away from the MND discussion, he is an inspiration to all.


RIP Charlie. He faced up to his terrible illness and did an awful lot to raise awareness and help those who will unfortunately come behind him. A courageous man.

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In the words of the Pet Shop Boys, sometimes you’re better off dead. Nobody wants to say it but it’s true.

You don’t get any prizes for suffering, you just suffer. If anybody chooses to endure such a horrific illness, fair play to them. But the laws on euthanasia should be drastically liberalised. If I was ever diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease, I’d prefer to die there and then.

I think a lot of people say it when it comes to MND.

If you’re view of life is about constantly looking to be ‘better off’ or ‘get prizes’ then you’re in for a big surprise.