Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

I heard he had a job working construction for a Johnstown company



Look, me and scumpot gave each other a like each. Stand down.

don’t you mean top spin? it’s almost impossible put backspin on a soccer ball, and backspin would it make it slow down in contact with the ground…

that was an all round clusterfuck of a post actually

No. It’s very easy to put backspin on a ball, but very difficult to put backspin on a ball in such a way as it increases speed if it touches the ground. The backspin made Thiago’s shot increase speed off the ground. That was the beauty of it. You have to be extremely skilled to pull off such a shot.

you’ve never kicked a ball in your life

If you think it’s hard to put backspin on a ball I think we can presume one of has never kicked a ball, alright.

here look you idiot.

know your room

When backspin is applied, the ball rises quickly. This is the technique used by goalkeepers in kicking for distance, say 60–70 metres, but it’s absolutely useless in free kicks, which are typically taken 20–30 metres from the goal.

What are you on about?

You said Thiago put topspin on the ball.

Would you like to have a look at the clip again?

look, just don’t argue this, you are incredibly wrong, you’re just showing an alarming lack of knowledge of physics and kicking a ball

a great man for the theoretical alright.

Does a greasy surface make the ball move quicker? Pundits say it does.

less friction so it slows down less than a dry grass

You say Thiago put topspin on the ball and you say I’m wrong? :grinning:

You say I’m showing an alarming lack of knowledge of physics, you paste a graph, and then you complain about talking about theory in next breath?

yes and you are. incredibly wrong. It happens, it’s ok, dust yourself off and move on.

You think this is topspin? :grin:

yes, you cannot force a ball to drop with backspin, it’s physics, topspin forces a ball down. it’s physics, his foot hits the top of the ball, the ball spins forward and down .

Dig up, a chara :grinning:

you’re wrong, you’ve just shown video evidence of yourself being wrong. Incredibly wrong

I would agree its topspin as he catches the ball high up.

I took Physics in my A Levels and did very well.


:grinning: :grinning: :grinning: