Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

Richie just staring at his phone while the others try to keep the show on the road ffs

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Some football pundits are like a fish up a tree when a wider issue like this arises.

They don’t know what to say or say the thickest things.

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He should fuck off with his facts.

It lads, it’s not Liverpool’s fault!!

Let’s hope the decent supporters are rewarded with a win

Glad to hear you’re on board pal.

He’s doing his own research

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Boris was right about them lads.

Liverpool fans blaming the authorities are like this guy

It appears the Madrid fans are in the stadium on time?



Another 15 minute delay

I blame Macron for this myself.

Sign in @mikehunt !!!

Rafa Nadal trying to take his VIP seat there but @mikehunt seems to be in it.

They’re trying to blame us guys

If this goes to penalties we’ll be here all night

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FFS. Another delay. My life partner won’t let me watch the end of the match now.


Gary is there. We’ll take his word over the seethers

Fuck the pre game razzmatazz