Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

“They all have lovely bottoms”


When will they ever learn

Her eye shadow is distracting

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This is a poor man’s Macnas parade.

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Because they are not scousers

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This one has a grand big arse.


That final in Moscow in 2008 was a draw.

She has stayed true to her Latino heritage.

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She is a great artist.

A flakin arse


She certainly is. She reminds me of a less wholesome Gloria Es-tef-an

As the man said give me her, a hotel room, an hour and a set of jump leads.

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The match itself has a lot to live up to.

Checking in late, what the fuck is going on?

Jesus that was some arse on your wan alright

What time is kick off?

I thought it was 8.45pm but teams are coming out now.

No time for toast. :rage:

Bit of a delay getting in. KO delayed

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy shit his togs.


Classic France

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Scousers being scousers and causing trouble but it’s UEFA’s fault


Will they ban english clubs from europe again?

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